History and Social Sciences department’s week

Weekly schedule:

20th -24th  February

  • The  Quiz show among students of V grade;
  • The competition “The best question in Geography”.  All the students from grade VII will present during the three days (20th -22th of February) one interesting question about Geography  together with the answer. These questions are going to be discussed  on 23th of February  and the best ten questions will be displayed;

Monday the 20th of February

  • Participation of grade 9 students in the project of the National Centre of Manuscripts  “The history of the occupation of Georgia and its people”;
  • An open lesson in Geography in grade 9b, period 6; teacher M.Bregvadze;
  • An open lesson in Arts  in grade 1b, period 5; teacher  N. Vatsadze;
  • An integrated lesson in History-Arts in grade 7a , period 5; teacher M. Tsenguashvili, T. Jakeli;

Tuesday the 21th of February

  • An open lesson in Geography in grade 12, period 3; teacher M.Bregvadze;

Wednesday 22th of February

  • Open lessons  in History in grade 9a, 9b,  period 1-2; teacher Z. Jamburia;
  • At the final stage of the quiz show in Geography, Grade 9 students will participate in the electronic version of a quiz show composed of 50 question – “check your knowledge on the map” for uploading on European School  web site;
  • An excursion  to the Georgian National Gallery, grade 5a , teacher N. Vatsadze; 
  • An open lesson  in History in grade 5a,  period 4; teacher M. Shekiladze;
  • A visit to “the places connected to Soviet repression” for  grade 6b and 8b students, teacher M. Tsenguashvili;
  • A visit to the National Museum , memorial items, grade 10a , teacher M.Shekiladze

Thursday 23th of February

  • An open lesson  in Geography grade 7a, period 5, teacher M.Bregvadze;
  • An integrated open lesson in History-Geography in grade 8b, period 2, teacher M. Tsenguashvili M.Bregvadze
  • Open lessons   in History in grade 5, period 4, teacher M.Melikishvili

Friday 24th of February

  • An integrated open lesson in History-Arts-Geography in grade 7a, period 1, teacher M. Tsenguashvili , M.Bregvadze , T.Jakeli;
  • An exhibition of students’ work “frosty winter” , grades 2-9, teacher T.Jakeli
  • An open lesson  in History in grade 7b,  period 5 at the department; teacher M. Melikishvili.

Tuesday 21th of February,  15:00

Schedule of the conference

  1. “Niko Nikoladze- the builder in  Poti  harbor“
    grade 9b , Giorgi Sartania, teacher Z. Jamburia;
  2. “Niko Nikoladze  a publicist and  an editor-publisher“  
    Grade 11, Ana Janashia, Nini Gabunia, teacher M. Melikishvili;
  3. “Dimitri Kiphiani“ 
    Grade 10b, Sandro Vekua, Teacher M. Tsenguashvili;
  4. “Demographic data of European School students”
    grade 9, teacher M. Bregvadze ;
  5. “Georgian Community in Moscow in the 18th centutry“ (“vsexsviatskoe”)
    Grade 10a, Anano Gedexauri, teacher M. Shekiladze;
  6. Project “Global  Warming”. Grade 7b, teacher E. Nebieridze;
  7. Project “Mtskheta Cross”; Grade 8b, teacher M.Tsenguashvili, T.Jakeli .
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