Alumni Association

Eleven years of building relationships with the alumni of European School has proven that being a European School alumni is a privilege not only throughout the time spent in school, but after graduation as well. Our graduates who successfully continue their education at prestigious European and American universities are united by being European School alumni, giving them a community to rely on during their university years.
In this regard, the European School Alumni Association, founded eight years ago, is particularly noteworthy. It aims at growing the connections between the European School and its alumni and responding to the challenges of the modern civilized world.


Chairman of the Alumni Association
Alexandre Gadelia


I am pleased to become the new chairman of the European School Alumni Association and to continue the activities of the previous chairpersons. For me, the European School has been and will be the place where, since early childhood, I have received the greatest values, love, education, acquired knowledge, and found myself. I am confident that our school is equally valuable for every European School student, and with our unity, common interests, and determination, we can implement many new projects that will pave the way for future generations and support their success. The personal experience of each of us, professional or career advancement, academic knowledge, and sharing of all these things will be significant milestones in the history of the European School. Since the school founding, more than 15 years have passed, and many European School graduates have achieved success in various countries, and institutions. That’s why I believe it is essential to further strengthen and activate our team. I believe it is necessary to provide systematic opportunities for online meetings of graduates, periodic exchange of opinions, interesting ideas, and intense communication with each other.

In case of proposing interesting ideas or planning any activities, please contact me via E-mail:

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Nikoloz Gagnidze, Brown University, USA, 2024

The experience I gained at the European School is so profound and abstract that trying to capture it in words feels like it would diminish its true value. Although I only spent the last two years studying there, I can confidently say that the European School was a turning point in my life, allowing me to graduate exactly as I had envisioned. The support I received was invaluable. My classmates, the individualized approach of my teachers, and the guidance of my amazing university counselors all played a crucial role in my academic and personal growth. What I appreciate most about the European School is how it creates opportunities for student development, even outside the classroom. Due to this amazing environment, within just a few months of transferring, the European School became my second home. It was exactly this warm and welcoming environment that helped me continue my studies at one of the best universities in the world. I will be forever grateful for the positive influences, memories, and relationships I formed at the European School, which will always hold a special place in my heart.

Mariam Kemertelidze, University College London (UCL), 2024

Transferring to the European School has been one of the most rewarding decisions of my life. My journey there has been enriching, both personally and academically. Throughout my time at the European School, I received unwavering support from every teacher and staff member I encountered. The growth of my critical thinking skills would not have been possible without the guidance and insights of the dedicated collage counselors and teachers. Reflecting on my experiences at the school, I am filled with nothing but fond memories and enlightening moments that paved the way for my path to University College London.

Elene Geladze, the University of Exeter, England, United Kingdom, 2023

What did I gain by attending the European School? Frankly, I could write a book on this subject; however, I’ll limit myself and briefly say that the European School felt like a second home since the day I entered the building. On the day of graduation, our teachers told us that there was never a day when they felt too exhausted to come to school when they knew they had a lesson with our class. I believe this fact has to be recognized as it shows how fortunate we were to have found friends in teachers at school. Even I can’t recall a single day when I didn't look forward to attending classes and recognizing the warmth of the school community. They always say: no one truly understands the value and price of a certain stage in life until it’s over. I believe that’s exactly how we felt on our last bell, when we sat in our classroom wearing white painted collar shirts, trying to hide our tears as we said our final goodbyes to the teachers. Only then we realized how painful it was to begin a new stage of our lives and turn over the pages of our school memories. It is hard to leave all those memories behind and boldly step into a university when the heart still longs for those childhood remembrances; however, I am certain that every time we visit the European School, we’ll still be greeted with open arms. Since an early age, I had always known that I wanted to pursue my university studies in the UK; and everyone knew that to the extent that it felt like, at school, we all collaborated to make this happen. The teachers' constant encouragement and motivation inspired me to believe that I could achieve my dream. I was accepted into the University of Exeter and will study business economics. When people ask me whether I’m afraid of studying alone abroad, I confidently reply “no” which I believe is due to my dedication and the support given by the European School. Throughout the four years spent in this school, I acquired all the necessary skills to feel ready and willing to take on any risk or face any obstacle that may come on the way with ambition and interest.

Mariam Saakashvili, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2023

At least once in a lifetime we all thought about how to achieve success, become a better version of ourselves, and accomplish life goals. I have thought about these issues many times and I am happy to have found the answer at the European School. The school occupies one of the most important roles in raising a child. This is a place where we can become future individuals. With the great merit of the European School ’s professional team, I have overcome all the difficulties, and I am ready to start a new phase of life without hindrance as an independent person. The environment full of love, mutual understanding and friendship allows us to become better personalities. With the help of my school, I learned how to improve my skills, considering my mistakes. In addition to academic processes, there are a variety of extracurricular activities at the European School which have helped me understand what I wanted to do in the future. Today I am happy to have the opportunity to continue my studies abroad and achieve my dream goals. I am gratefull to the school and its team for offering the path to the world. I can say one thing for sure – European School is the first step for students to succeed.

Niki Bezhuashvili, Columbia University in the City of New York, USA, 2022

How did I benefit from attending the European School? Although it sounds like a simple question, there are actually a lot of moving blocks to keep in mind. I spent 12 years at the European School, and during this time, the school enriched my understanding on how imperative my time-management skills were for my personal and intellectual development. In addition, the school taught me a valuable lesson on how to put necessity above desire and thereby achieve my goals. The European School gave me the right skills to apply and become a student at one of the best universities in the world. This was made possible thanks to the teachers, friends, the school environment, and its warmth. We had exciting classes loaded with discussions, debates, and projects. This helped us develop our collaboration, research, and analytical skills. From my experience, acquiring knowledge at the European School is the ideal approach to aiming high and fulfilling your aspirations.

Mariam Natroshvili, the University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2022

School is one of the most valuable places in life where a child transforms into a responsible, well-affirmed, competent, and intelligent individual. This transformation takes years; though years fly so fast that they feel like seconds, every second of the school experience enhances the personal qualities of a student and pushes to become better and better. I am lucky that European School was home to most of my school experience. European School paved the path toward my success. The school provided me with the most. As part of its curriculum, my school included intensive work that would challenge my critical thinking, creative work that would color up my view of life, and teamwork that would develop my collaborative skills and make me a better leader. On a fundamental note, the school created a warm and loving atmosphere for me to thrive. A few months ago, I was worried about the start of another important step in my life - pursuing an education at university. All worries aside, thanks to the European School and its community members, I received an opportunity to study at the top American university and one of the Ivy League universities - The University of Pennsylvania. As I go through my life stages, I will be proud to be a part of this great school, as it has provided me with enough opportunities to climb to the peaks of the highest mounts.

Nugo Shoshiashvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2022

European School" is where I have spent the most precious period of my life — childhood. This beautiful 14-year adventure started with the opening of the European Kindergarten doors and culminated with the beautiful graduation ceremony of the European School. This school has always satisfied my childish curiosity. Whenever possible, I always had an answer to the question - why? Now I understand better that the school has given me unlimited opportunities. Apart from the state curriculum, we were able to discover ourselves at school. Teachers always tried to make the lessons as engaging and informative as possible, we were constantly involved in the lesson process, and we always had the freedom to express our ideas. During this period, we have developed qualities that the future cosmopolitan needs. The school's laboratories, equipped with modern technologies, helped us get as much practical knowledge as possible. Our school has crossed the borders of our country so many times. I have been successfully accepted to the several European universities; this is a visible example of the fact that even the Georgian program guarantees you to enter the world's leading universities. Though, I decided to deepen my knowledge in Political Sciences in my country. I will be studying at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In addition to the fact that this school made my happy childhood years even more beautiful, it taught me that human possibilities are limitless, and we can proudly walk to the world on the path based on Georgian values!

Mikheil Gedekhauri, University of Tübingen, Germany, 2022

The four years that I spent at the European School have given me an immense academic experience. Studying at this school truly widens your horizon and makes you understand that with hard work everything is possible. Studying here has made me much more disciplined, tenacious and goal-oriented than I used to be. The International Baccalaureate Programme paved the way for me to some of the best universities in the world and gave me all the skills that are detrimental for success in today’s fast-paced, globalized society. I think that this school’s strength really lies in the people here, and the friendly atmosphere that they create. The support and dedication from everyone at the school really motivates you to go that extra mile that is necessary for success. Studying at the University of Tübingen in Germany was one of my biggest dreams and I will be forever grateful to the European School for helping me in realizing this dream.

Raha Rikhtehgaran Esfahani, University of New Brunswick, Canada, 2021

Although I studied at European School just for three years, the skills and knowledge gained during that time have immensely contributed to shaping the young adult that I am today. I have learned that no success is possible without coping with difficulties. The IB Diploma Programme developed my approaches to learning skills, and a range of practical skills required for a successful university journey. At European School it was not only about the curriculum, but also about my great teachers. They were not merely transferring the knowledge. Their friendship was always heartwarming. My university, University of New Brunswick, Canada, awarded me a full semester credit and I believe the school have played an extensive role leading to this honor. Ultimately, in my opinion, the key to success is motivation along with determination.

Sofia Okriashvili, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic, 2021

I graduated from European school in 2021, however my history with the school goes all the way back to 2009, when I entered as a first grade student. This school is the place I grew up, so a lot of my childhood memories belong in those halls. European school gave me many things: knowledge, learning skills, opportunities, but aside from the academic experience, I faced the hard reality of growing into a successful person, such as: a challenging environment, temporary failure and rejection. I became the person I am today through the experience I gained during my time at European School: a driven and skilled learner with big plans and dreams that aren't out of reach. As for my future plans, I have successfully been accepted into the Prague University of Economics and Business and I have an interesting career ahead of me. Lastly, if I could give any advice to future and current students of European School, it would be that ambition isn't a bad thing, in fact, it's good to strive to be an ambitious person. However it's more effective to think less about your goals and more about the journey that will lead you towards achieving them.

Mariam Akhalaia, Free University, Georgia, 2021

European School created many possibilities for me. It connected me to many amazing companies such as Kant's Academy, Weski Georgia, Tedx, which, in turn, helped me develop as a person. Kant's Academy helped me improve my communication, logic, and critical thinking, Weski Georgia made me fall in love with camping, leadership, and nature. All this wouldn’t be possible without European School. I must also mention the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting via my school – many professionals who introduced me to interesting spheres. Thanks to the teacher that has been invited by European School I discovered the world of Georgian startups, where I met many wonderful people and learned more about that industry. I am glad to have had this opportunity to feel more, to see more, and to learn more, with the help of my school.

Irakli Bezhuashvili, Columbia University, USA, 2020

I have been in/with the European School from the kindergarten to my senior year, so it is only natural that I deeply cherish the memories we’ve made here together with friends, faculty and school staff. Through multiple journeys - from traveling to hell with Dante and Virgil to vicariously living through the entangled intrigues of Hamlet to exploring the brain, mind and behavior, - the European School has given me a firm platform on which to build my future education and career. It is a huge privilege to be studying in an environment full of intellectual vitality. European School gave me the skillset that I increasingly value as I embark on my college journey. Skills starting with collaboration and communication to research and analysis help me stay optimistic about succeeding in one of the best universities in the world – Columbia. College prep resources and the counseling service at our school helped me land acceptances at top colleges, including four ivies (Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, Brown), UC Berkeley and more. My key takeaway is that sometimes school might appear as too arduous, but if we keep our head inside this whirlwind and benefit from both the breadth of knowledge and the intellectual vitality, our classes will become more pleasurable, and our intellectual exertions – more satisfying. Ultimately, we will understand so much more than a typical love story, mathematical equation, or a concept in Psychology.

Aruna Ilimzhan, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, 2020

When I joined European School, I immediately saw that it was totally different from my previous school. The atmosphere and the smiling faces of teachers and students made studying so much more enjoyable. During my three years at European School, I have been on a fascinating journey. The journey of becoming the best version of myself with the help of amazing teachers and talented students! I am very grateful for the teachers who were tirelessly helping and encouraging me to always try and by no means refrain from thinking outside of the box. I loved every second of studying at this School. The two years of the IB Diploma Programme, in particular, have been the most transformative of my life. It was a true privilege to be part of this friendly international community.

Salome Jokhadze, Caucasus University, 2017

The European School taught me how to deal with challenges confidently. Experiences and valuable knowledge that I have gained at school will stay with me always. Therefore, I am fully confident in my abilities to overcome difficulties. At school I have befriended students from all age groups who have made learning experiences uncomplicated and diverse. I will always be proud of being an European School alumna.

Sophie Nonikashvili, Lehigh University

"The European School taught me that there are no shortcuts to success, helped me become the best version of myself and directed me to my career goals. My strong academic background and leadership activities helped me create a standout college application, get into top U.S. colleges, and receive funding for my studies.

Natia Kozmanashvili, Caucasus University, 2017

The European school is my second home. This is where I have built a good rapport with my teachers, learnt how to tell right from wrong, and mastered my discussion management, teamwork, analytical and problem-solving skills. The school provides us with the conditions required for our professional development and gives us an opportunity to live up to our potential. The school helped me build self-confidence which is hands-down one of the essential keys to success.