Student Parliament

At the European School, we believe that students should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practice leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school. Although there’s a long list of leadership activities students can choose to participate in, Student Parliament easily takes first place for supporting the school’s goal of being a place where everyone enjoys learning and being creative – trying new things, finding solutions and embracing their responsibilities. Student councils operating in different programs of the school – Georgian Program, PYP, MYP and DP – serve the same goal.

The Student Parliament provides a forum where representatives from different year groups raise, discuss and propose resolutions for issues which are important to the students they represent.  The process of electing representatives, chairman, drawing up agendas and convening meetings will model good democratic practice.

The European School Student Parliament aims to:

  • make sure that our school is a happy place for all students
  • make sure that all students have a place to articulate and express their concerns
  • encourage all students in school to suggest improvements and areas for development
  • build good relationships inside the school community as well as between the school and the broader community

Students from middle and high school (grades 9-12) are responsible for electing Student Parliament Chairman by a general election 4 weeks after the Student Parliament representatives (two students from each group) have been selected.

Election Procedure

Nomination of Candidates (4 weeks before elections)

All the European School Student Parliament (ESSP) members can nominate other ESSP members for Student Parliament leadership positions. The leadership positions are Chair, Vice Chair, Commission Chairs, and Secretary. Self-nomination is also possible.

Submission of Candidate Statements (3 weeks before elections) 

Nominated candidates are requested to accept the nomination by submitting a candidate statement and a letter of recommendation written by the Program Coordinator.

Election Campaign (2 weeks period; ends on the Election Day) 

Organizing a campaign shall be defined as, but not limited to the following criteria:

  • Asking other students to help with a candidate’s campaign
  • Meeting with a group of students or using group communication media to develop campaign strategies
  • Preparing campaign materials for distribution
  • Communicating through physical and online media

Election Day

The election takes place in the Main Conference Hall of the school. All students from grades 6-12 can vote for the candidates of the Student Parliament Chair. The election results will be announced the next day.


The Student Parliament Chair has the overall responsibility for the activities of the Student Parliament. Together with the other leaders, the Chair defines the goals of the organization and outlines a strategy to successfully reach the goals. The Chair is the driving force behind the efforts of the Student Parliament, which means that s/he will encourage and support other leaders to ensure that projects are successfully completed. It is the responsibility of the Chair to propose new initiatives and projects to ensure that the needs of the member body are addressed. The Chair is involved in all decisions regarding the appointment of new commission chairs and other project leaders.

Student Parliament Committees







Leadership Committee Student Parliament Chairman



Student Parliament Faculty Advisor



Developing Plan

Mentoring committee members from middle school

Student Issues

Student voice


Public Relations and Communications Committee Committee chair



Update the Student Parliament web page

Submit updates to the school newsletter

Collaborate with ESTV

Service Committee Committee chair



Volunteer Hours

Fundraising Ideas

Students’ support in academics


Events Committee


Committee chair



Plan and organize events independently

Create decorations

Perform on a stage

Collaborate with the administration in school events management


Sports Committee


Committee chair



Organize sports tournaments

Manage school team (football/basketball)

Promote sports at school



Statute of Student Parliament









ES Monthly


Student Parliament Newsletter October Student Parliament Newsletter May Student Parliament Newsletter April Student Parliament Newsletter March