PSAT Tests
At the European School there will be conducted PSAT exam on Saturday 20th of October at 7:45am.
What Students Should Bring
Acceptable and prohibited items for the PSAT:
On test day, students should bring:
- Two No. 2 pencils
- calculator
- Email address (optional). Students can opt to receive information about educational opportunities and financial aid via email from colleges, universities, some scholarship programs, College Board programs, and nonprofit organizations whose mission and offerings supplement the path to higher education.
- ID card
During the test, students may have nothing on their desks but:
- A test book
- An answer sheet
- No. 2 pencils with erasers
- For math sections only, a calculator
Prohibited items:
- Watch alarms
- Handheld electronic devices, including cell phones, MP3 players and pagers (power must be turned off pagers, cell phones, and handheld computers)
- Any device that can access the Internet
- Protractors; compasses; rulers
- Dictionaries or other books (there are no exceptions, even if English is not a student’s first language)
- Pamphlets or papers of any kind
- Highlighters and colored pens or pencils
- Listening, recording, copying, or photographic devices (including watches and cell phones that contain cameras)
- Food and beverages, including bottled water, unless approved for medical reasons