Tornike Kubaneishvili

TEDx Speaker

SAT Math – 800

IELTS – 8.0

Describe the European School Campus

The European School embodies internationalism – we have students from over 35 nationalities. Universities sometimes wonder how familiar their prospective students are with multiculturalism and diversity. We are!

We incorporate technologies and innovation into our curriculum – at the European School FabLab, we learn how to operate laser cutters, 3D printers, CNC milling machines, industrial robots, etc. We’re lucky to have access to these state-of-the-art facilities at school – sometimes aspiring entrepreneurs don’t have similar opportunities even at higher education institutions abroad.

The European School runs a TEDx event every year, further nurturing and cultivating an international environment. This year, I was one of the speakers, too. Through TEDx, we learn how to deliver effective speeches, find our voice, and become better leaders.

Why study at the European School?

The European School allows us to challenge ourselves intellectually, engage in extracurricular activities and lead an enriching academic life. For years, we’ve been attending interdisciplinary classes, hosting representatives from American and European universities and colleges, participating in local and international competitions and Olympiads in academic subjects, organizing startup events, and running athletics events and tournaments. If you’re looking for ways to test yourself academically and live a rewarding social life, the European School’s the place to be – all you have to do is take the opportunities it gives you!

Which university/college are you going to attend?

I’ve decided to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics and Finances at Bocconi University. I’ve been accepted to universities in five different countries, and I’ve received generous funding, too. I’m taking national exams as well – the global pandemic has altered our reality somewhat and I’m trying to be flexible with my plans. The European School university counseling unit has been guiding us through the admissions process at universities and colleges that match our interests, ambitions, and career goals.

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