University and Career Counseling Office

As students start planning their university career, they are guided by Director of University and Career Counseling. Our University and Career Counseling Office helps students get accepted and funded by top universities around the world.

With the help of the University and Career Counseling Office, our class of 2019 scored an unprecedented amount of funding ($1,428,605 USD) for their studies. In 2020, university scholarships awarded to our graduates equaled 1, 625, 470 USD.

Our students have been accepted by leading universities: USC, Georgia Tech, Brown University, Emory University, UCLA, NYU, Yale, King’s College London, UCL, Sciences Po, University of Amsterdam, etc.

Our University and Career Counseling Office continually strives to improve its services to ensure college and career readiness through:

  • College fairs and visits from top colleges/universities (Yale University, Columbia University, Duke University, Brandeis University, Northeastern University)
  • NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) membership & resources
  • CIS (Council of International Schools) membership & resources
  • An increased number of individual meetings with students/parents

Director of University and Career Counseling meets with students regularly to help them strategically design and plan the application process according to their aspirations, skills, and financial circumstances. In the process, students become more aware of the trends in international education and are better able to make informed decisions in their final year.

The Director of University and Career Counseling supports and guides our students in grades 9-12 and their parents by:

  • Encouraging them to excel in their academics and achieve a high standard according to individual abilities
  • Organizing individual sessions for parents and students to design a feasible plan for the application period
  • Providing information about the standardized tests that are required by universities for admission consideration
  • Offering information sessions for university and program selection
  • Providing in-depth support and guidance during the application process
  • Offering workshops and individual sessions on writing personal essays, personal statements, supplement letters, and advice on meeting other criteria for admission consideration


Director of University and Career Counseling
Giorgi Sichinava

Our Students

Kato Gorgadze, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, 2023

Education is a transformative journey that shapes individuals into well-rounded, knowledgeable, and confident beings. Throughout my academic years, my school has played a pivotal role in nurturing my growth, providing essential resources, and guiding me towards finding my path. From supportive teachers to enriching extracurricular opportunities, and the unwavering assistance of the college counselor, my school has instilled in me the skills and experiences necessary to succeed academically and navigate life beyond the classroom. One of the key factors contributing to my academic success was the unwavering support of my teachers. They were not just educators but mentors who recognized my potential and encouraged me at every step of the way. Their dedication to ensuring our understanding and engagement with the subjects they taught elevated our learning experience. I never hesitated to approach them for help or advice, knowing that they were always ready to lend a helping hand. Their passion for teaching inspired me to strive for excellence and cultivate a love for learning, making my journey through AP subjects both fulfilling and enriching. One of the most influential figures in my educational journey was our college counselor. This dedicated professional provided invaluable guidance throughout the college application process, helping us identify suitable institutions based on our interests and aspirations. Their personalized approach to counseling made a significant difference, instilling confidence in my choices and preparing me for the next chapter of my life. The college counselor's expertise ensured that I submitted strong applications and explored various financial aid options, making the transition to higher education smoother and more manageable. As I step into the world beyond school, I carry with me the confidence to face new challenges and the determination to pursue my passions. The invaluable experiences and skills gained during my time at the school will undoubtedly serve as a compass, guiding me towards success and personal growth in the future.

Tata Kobakhidze, Cornell University, USA, 2023

I’m extremely grateful to the European School for all the help and guidance I received through my college admissions process. Their teachers, classroom environment, and university counseling are unmatched. After spending 10 years living abroad in the US and attending school there, I can confidently say that from my personal experience, I found European School to be a better environment. Every aspect of ES from classes to extracurricular activities provides a challenge to students that enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. During my time here I had immense resources and help from the teachers not only in the classroom but for extracurriculars as well, which I believe to be the most critical aspect of my university application that got me into Cornell. Not only this, but my relationships with teachers and counselors also proved to be extremely important, and I am immensely thankful for their recommendations that played a huge role in my university acceptance. Being the first person in my family to study abroad, I had trouble navigating the technicalities of college admissions as well as financial aid and scholarships, but our counselors possess the necessary skills and knowledge to provide us with top-quality advice for which I am deeply grateful. It has always been my dream to study at an Ivy League university, and while it has come true, it is still very bittersweet to leave such a hospitable and familial environment behind.

Niki Bezhuashvili, Columbia University in the City of New York, USA, 2022

How did I benefit from attending the European School? Although it sounds like a simple question, there are actually a lot of moving blocks to keep in mind. I spent 12 years at the European School, and during this time, the school enriched my understanding on how imperative my time-management skills were for my personal and intellectual development. In addition, the school taught me a valuable lesson on how to put necessity above desire and thereby achieve my goals. The European School gave me the right skills to apply and become a student at one of the best universities in the world. This was made possible thanks to the teachers, friends, the school environment, and its warmth. We had exciting classes loaded with discussions, debates, and projects. This helped us develop our collaboration, research, and analytical skills. From my experience, acquiring knowledge at the European School is the ideal approach to aiming high and fulfilling your aspirations.

Mariam Natroshvili, the University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2022

School is one of the most valuable places in life where a child transforms into a responsible, well-affirmed, competent, and intelligent individual. This transformation takes years; though years fly so fast that they feel like seconds, every second of the school experience enhances the personal qualities of a student and pushes to become better and better. I am lucky that European School was home to most of my school experience. European School paved the path toward my success. The school provided me with the most. As part of its curriculum, my school included intensive work that would challenge my critical thinking, creative work that would color up my view of life, and teamwork that would develop my collaborative skills and make me a better leader. On a fundamental note, the school created a warm and loving atmosphere for me to thrive. A few months ago, I was worried about the start of another important step in my life - pursuing an education at university. All worries aside, thanks to the European School and its community members, I received an opportunity to study at the top American university and one of the Ivy League universities - The University of Pennsylvania. As I go through my life stages, I will be proud to be a part of this great school, as it has provided me with enough opportunities to climb to the peaks of the highest mounts.

Nugo Shoshiashvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2022

European School" is where I have spent the most precious period of my life — childhood. This beautiful 14-year adventure started with the opening of the European Kindergarten doors and culminated with the beautiful graduation ceremony of the European School. This school has always satisfied my childish curiosity. Whenever possible, I always had an answer to the question - why? Now I understand better that the school has given me unlimited opportunities. Apart from the state curriculum, we were able to discover ourselves at school. Teachers always tried to make the lessons as engaging and informative as possible, we were constantly involved in the lesson process, and we always had the freedom to express our ideas. During this period, we have developed qualities that the future cosmopolitan needs. The school's laboratories, equipped with modern technologies, helped us get as much practical knowledge as possible. Our school has crossed the borders of our country so many times. I have been successfully accepted to the several European universities; this is a visible example of the fact that even the Georgian program guarantees you to enter the world's leading universities. Though, I decided to deepen my knowledge in Political Sciences in my country. I will be studying at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In addition to the fact that this school made my happy childhood years even more beautiful, it taught me that human possibilities are limitless, and we can proudly walk to the world on the path based on Georgian values!

Mikheil Gedekhauri, University of Tübingen, Germany, 2022

The four years that I spent at the European School have given me an immense academic experience. Studying at this school truly widens your horizon and makes you understand that with hard work everything is possible. Studying here has made me much more disciplined, tenacious and goal-oriented than I used to be. The International Baccalaureate Programme paved the way for me to some of the best universities in the world and gave me all the skills that are detrimental for success in today’s fast-paced, globalized society. I think that this school’s strength really lies in the people here, and the friendly atmosphere that they create. The support and dedication from everyone at the school really motivates you to go that extra mile that is necessary for success. Studying at the University of Tübingen in Germany was one of my biggest dreams and I will be forever grateful to the European School for helping me in realizing this dream.

Tornike Kubaneishvili, Bocconi University, Italy, 2021

The European School allows its students to challenge intellectually, engage in extracurricular activities and lead an enriching academic life. For years, we’ve been attending interdisciplinary classes, hosting representatives from American and European universities and colleges, participating in TEDx events, local and international competitions and Olympiads in academic subjects, organizing startup events, and running athletics events and tournaments. If you’re looking for ways to test yourself academically and live a rewarding social life, the European School’s the place to be – all you have to do is take the opportunities it gives you!

Saba Kutelia, Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA, 2021

Studying in the IB section of the European School allows you to truly unlock your full potential: personally, I’ve enhanced and acquired new skills, such as communication, research, and presentation; but these are only a few out of many. I am confident that the self-discipline and the skills that I have acquired during the 6 years in this school will successfully guide me through my college years at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Paata Kaloiani, Grinnell College, USA, 2021

Aside from meeting countless interesting and like-minded peers and faculty members, the European School gave me the skills which will undoubtedly be needed in my future academic career. Not many other Georgian schools can help their students attend prestigious universities abroad. In the case of European School, however, the professional guidance from our University Counselor and useful teachings of every single teacher alongside the accredited diploma insured me and my fellow students to have better chances at enrolling in foreign colleges.

Irakli Bezhuashvili, Columbia University, USA, 2020

I have been in/with the European School from the kindergarten to my senior year, so it is only natural that I deeply cherish the memories we’ve made here together with friends, faculty and school staff. Through multiple journeys - from traveling to hell with Dante and Virgil to vicariously living through the entangled intrigues of Hamlet to exploring the brain, mind and behavior, - the European School has given me a firm platform on which to build my future education and career. It is a huge privilege to be studying in an environment full of intellectual vitality. European School gave me the skillset that I increasingly value as I embark on my college journey. Skills starting with collaboration and communication to research and analysis help me stay optimistic about succeeding in one of the best universities in the world – Columbia. College prep resources and the counseling service at our school helped me land acceptances at top colleges, including four ivies (Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, Brown), UC Berkeley and more. My key takeaway is that sometimes school might appear as too arduous, but if we keep our head inside this whirlwind and benefit from both the breadth of knowledge and the intellectual vitality, our classes will become more pleasurable, and our intellectual exertions – more satisfying. Ultimately, we will understand so much more than a typical love story, mathematical equation, or a concept in Psychology.

Ana Darchiashvili, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2020

European school is significantly responsible for who I am today. Apart from helping me get into the university that I have always wanted to attend by giving me amazing educational opportunities, it also helped me gain important experiences, skills, and life lessons. European School taught me that doing my best and not giving up is more important than my academic ability, helped me realize my potential and set me on a path toward a great future. What I’ve always noticed is that, unlike some other schools, European School and its staff value every single student as an individual. It has given me teachers that I will always look up to and has taught me how to face failures like a winner. I'm grateful for European School for allowing me to be a part of this great adventure and also for awarding me with close friends that I will never forget. I strongly believe that studying in European School has given me a chance to define myself and my personality.

Nia Zeikidze, Drew University, USA, 2020

I’m Nia Zeikidze, a graduate student from American High School (European School). I would like to start by thanking our beloved principal, academic coordinators, teachers, and the members of school faculty for efforts they have taken during all my academic years. The school has given me many opportunities including: AP subjects, the clubs, extracurricular activities, projects, etc. When I first came to AHS in 8th grade, I was too shy while doing the presentations, but since then I have changed, in a way that, I have gained more confidence while presenting. The school taught me to represent my best self and my ideas. I have learned to analyze different topics and controversial issues. I want to thank my teachers, who were always there for me. Every teacher and the member of the faculty should be appreciated and respected for their hard work. Because of them, I’m now a freshman in Drew University, majoring in Business. Drew has many amazing opportunities for me, like the internships in Wall Street. Thank you European School for giving me the chance to have a successful future!

Nikoloz Gozalishvili, EMORY Unversity 2016

European School gave me a perfect fusion of life-changing experiences and quality studies. I feel that my commitment to higher goals and my interest in serving the community I become a part of were determined by the environment at the school. It has prepared me for academic and personal challenges that I faced at the university. More importantly, my school has given me lifelong friends. Relationships with these open-minded and intelligent individuals have helped me succeed in different aspects of life. I am thankful for the guidance I received at my school. I feel confident that values, ideas, and actual academic skills gained at European School contribute immensely to our future accomplishments.

Kato Bakradze, Yale University 2017

There is no universal recipe for getting into Yale, but the intangibles that matter can make a huge difference. European School has managed to create the right environment for students to aim higher and succeed on a global level, and I am happy to see that the school has turned college readiness into one of its priorities.

Lasha Berishvili, Faculty of Law, Free University, 2015

Currently I am a law student at the Free University. In retrospect, I fully apprehend the significance of the years I have spent at the European School. The school helped me build interest in my studies, implement my knowledge in everyday life and introduced me to ways of sharing it with others. The European School has taught me how to analyze and face difficulties head-on and eventually, overcome them. I have come to know that we are not alone in our endeavors and happiness is even greater when achieved along with friends. Lasha Berishvili has received a full scholarship.

Ana Gverdtsiteli, Faculty of Computer Sciences, San Diego University, 2015

At the European School I have been equipped with skills needed to thrive in today’s competitive world. Also, the school has funded my studies at San Diego University Georgia. European School offers a welcoming and fast-paced, yet rigorous environment, which is crucial to the development of hard-working and determined individuals.