
International Conference

30 Nov 2023

With the support of the Council of Europe office in Georgia, the first international Conference, “A Child-friendly Justice System and Child Rights, The Best European and American Experience,” took place on November 20th, 2023.

Literacy Week

23 Nov 2023

ლიტერატურული კვირეული განსაკუთრებული, დაუვიწყარი შთაბეჭდილებების მომტანი იყო მოსწავლეებისთვის. წიგნების ფესტივალი, ახალი გამოცემების წარდგენა, ლიტერატურული ვიქტორინის გამარჯვებულთა დაჯილდოება, მწერლებთან: მარიამ წიკლაურთან, რატი ჩიქოვანთან შეხვედრა, ჯგუფი “ნუ მიეყრდნობის" კონცერტი და ბოლოს, კვირეულის კულმინაცია - მწერალი დათო ტურაშვილის მასპინძლობა, მოზარდებისთვის იყო შესაძლებლობა, კიდევ ერთხელ დაფიქრებულიყვნენ ლიტერატურის მნიშვნელობაზე და გაეთავისებინათ წიგნის კითხვის მშვენიერება.

Election 2023

03 Nov 2023

Today, Student Parliament Chairman Elections were held at the European School. 787 students from grades 6-12 voted at polling places. After the casting of ballots, counting and announcement of election results took place sequentially. The results are in, and we are pleased to announce the new Chairman of the ES Student Parliament - Mariam Bezhuashvili.

Haloween - 2023

03 Nov 2023

The European School was in the Halloween spirit yesterday - fun, energy, pumpkins, happy Superheroes, Fairies, Witches, Ghosts, and other interesting characters walking around. Excited faces were seen everywhere as children posed for photographs.

#ElectionDebates2023 #ESStudentParliament

26 Oct 2023

The European School annually hosts the debates before the Student Parliament Chairman Elections. Election Debates 2023, held on October 25th, allowed candidates to represent themselves and address their campaign platform to the student body. Student leaders running for the Chairman position answered questions from other candidates and the audience.

Global Handwashing Day

17 Oct 2023

Providing hygiene education to our students is essential for the European School. Global Handwashing Day is the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate the importance of handwashing and to spread awareness. This year, American Hospital Tbilisi visited our school and, in a creative and fun way, encouraged children to wash their hands with soap.  

The first parent-teacher association (PTA) meeting

14 Oct 2023

The first parent-teacher association (PTA) meeting of the year took place last week in the ES conference hall. Attending PTA meetings is a great way to get involved in a child’s school life, connect with fellow parents and school administrators, and share ideas. During the meeting, parents heard the latest school updates from the Director and the PTA Coordinator, got acquainted with ongoing projects and plans of collaboration with parents, attended the ceremony of signing a memorandum with the Association of Educational Psychologists, received recommendations about healthy eating from the wellness expert Mikhail Kochiashvili and tasted the healthy food served in the school cafeteria.

University Visits

10 Oct 2023

Highly ranked universities continue to visit the European School to give presentations on their programs, admission processes, and post-graduation opportunities for students.


28 Sep 2023

The European School announces the academic year 2023-2024 as a green year of sustainable development. We plan to implement practices to help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. The European School prepares students to lead the world toward a healthier, cleaner, more sustainable future.