
Meeting with the European School Graduate

03 Dec 2019

The Georgian Middle Years Program students from grades VIII-IX started a new project aiming being informed about successful career paths of the ES graduates and receive practical advice from them. Within the project, the first meeting was held with the manager of Acad. F. Todua Medical Center Giorgi Diasamidze. The meeting where the graduate shared his work experience with the ES students was interesting and valuable for the attendees.

ივერი ჭელიძის სახელობის ჩემპიონატი ფეხბურთში

28 Nov 2019

“ევროპულ სკოლაში“ დასრულდა ივერი ჭელიძის სახელობის ჩემპიონატი ფეხბურთში. ტურნირი გაიმართა სამ სხვადასხვა ასაკობრივ გატეგორიაში: 4-6, 7-9 და 10-12 კლასები. ფინალური მატჩები გაიმართა 26 ნოემბერს. ტურნირის გამარჯვებულები გახდნენ: ქართული პროგრამის 4ა, 8ა და 10 კლასები. ჩემპიონატში მონაწილეები დააჯილდოვა ბატონმა ივერი ჭელიძემ და მისმა ოჯახმა, რომელიც ტრადიციულად ყოველწლიურად ესწრება ჩემპიონატის მსვლელობას.

For Supporting Anita

28 Nov 2019

On November 28, the whole European School united and conducted charity action for supporting the little Anita. With the initiative of the Student Parliament Chair Anamaria Iakobidze, famous Georgian singer Nini Badurashvili held a concert at the school. The students were happy to meet Nini. Nini Badurashvili and TV show anchorman Nikoloz Tsulukidze, both agreed to join the campaign with great enthusiasm.

Alma Cup 2019

28 Nov 2019

On November 20-23, with the initiative of the Student union Alma Mater, tournament in Minifootball-Alma Cup 2019 was held at Grigol Robakidze University. Several teams of the university faculties and partner schools: the European School, State School №23 and State School №98 participated at the tournament.

Anti Bullying Campaign #goodtogether

26 Nov 2019

Within the Anti Bullying Campaign #goodtogether, several events were held at the European School organized by the Student Well-being Center: the MYP , the PYP and the Georgian Program students arranged a showcase of short movies and following discussions about bullying theme in classes and at the library. They created posters, some crafts and exhibited in the hallways. The PYP students additionally dedicated the assembly to the bullying theme. #goodtogether ,,#ერთადუკეთესია’’

Literary Activities during Astrid Lindgren Week

15 Nov 2019

During Astrid Lindgren’s Week, several quiz shows and literary meetings were held at the European School. The Georgian Program students from grade 4 made presentations about the life and works of the famous author. In a literary quiz show held in the Smart Room, 3rd graders competed in teams. Additionally, grade 7a, 8a, and 8b students participated in a quiz show about Sweden. A team lead by Temo Tvauri became the winner of the competition. At the final blitz round the students showed a deep knowledge about the country.

Degustation of Pippi’s Fritters and Karlsson’s Jams

15 Nov 2019

It’s time for tastiness- like Pippy, the students decided to cook fritters. During the preparation time, they researched best recipes and read one more time the chapter where Pippy enthusiastically learns baking. The fritters by the ES students were very tasty. Another fun experience was a degustation of Karlsson’s jams. The students offered sweets to peers and the School Director as well. Kids enjoyed both activities.

Drama Performance Karlsson at the ES Stage

15 Nov 2019

Astrid Lindgren Week continues at the ES. Sandro Akhmeteli State Drama Theatre performed Karlsson at the ES stage. The performance was very successful. The artists demonstrated amazing mastery of performing skills. The kids watched the performance with a big interest and liked the story about a 7-year-old boy and his unusual friend naughty Karlsson.

Student Parliament Meeting

15 Nov 2019

On November 13, after Student Parliament Chair elections, Parliament members held a meeting to select desired commissions for future activities and elect leadership. Vice-Chair became Nita Bakradze, Secretary- Liza Kiria. Annamaria Ikobidze, Paata Kaloiani, Nikoloz Baghdavadze, Isabela Chigogidze, Luka Kintraia, and Nika Korchilava were elected to take positions of the Heads of Leadership, Sports, Service, Public Relations and Communications and Events Commissions respectively.