
Petre Babilua – Mentor

13 Nov 2017

Under the Teacher Professional Development Scheme the status of Mentor was awarded to the Head of Mathematics Department of the European School, Mathematics teacher Petre Babilua. Award giving ceremony was held on November 10, at the Main Conference Hall.

Excursion to “Polyprint”

11 Nov 2017

On November 9, Georgian program students from grade 2 visited the Printing House “Polyprint”. They learned some aspects of paper processing technology and engaged in a fun activity -kids made paper hats with the European School logo prints.

Student Parliament Chair Elections

09 Nov 2017

Student Parliament Chair Elections took place at the European School today, November 9, 2017. Students from all three programs (Georgian, IB and AHS) of the European School participated in the voting process.

PYP Art Exhibition

08 Nov 2017

Watercolor paintings created by the PYP students were displayed at the PYP Art Exhibition. Through their art, children expressed their perception of Autumn, a beautiful time of the year.

Election Debates

08 Nov 2017

On Tuesday, November 7, the candidates for the European School Student Parliament Chairperson debated at the Main Conference Hall, where they discussed their visions for Student Parliament next year. 

PYP Exhibition

07 Nov 2017

On November 7th, at the end of the unit” Processes” PYP G5 students presented their science projects at the Main Conference Hall.

The European School Marathon

06 Nov 2017

The European School Marathon was held at Turtle Lake yesterday, November 5, 2017. The Marathon was not only a mere competition, but rather a celebration for every participant – the youngest staff members and older teachers alike. The purpose of the marathon was to promote sports and healthy lifestyle among our school community. About 80 teachers took part in the race, running 3600 meters at Turtle Lake.

Unprecedented Cooperation between the British Council and the European School

03 Nov 2017

The British Council and the European School signed an Agreement of Cooperation. The purpose of the agreement is to implement the British education model in English language learning and teaching.  Justin McKenzie Smith, British Ambassador to Georgia, attended the signing ceremony.

“Writers for European Values”

02 Nov 2017

“Writers for European Values” – this is a project in which famous Georgian writers: Lasha Bughadze, Rati Amaghlobeli, and Dato Turashvili are participating.