
Strong Results Achieved during the Challenging Time

26 Aug 2020

We congratulate the class of 2020 on achieving remarkable results in the Diploma Programme. A total of 38 students completed the IB Diploma Programme in 2020. This year’s graduates had to deal with a global disruption that has never been experienced before, but they have managed to overcome obstacles and attained, once again, a strong performance with an average of 35 points. Historically the school's average point score has been significantly above the world average, but this year, the difference between our results and IB global average of 30.0 points was even greater. The ES students also performed very well in terms of subject average (5.54 out of 7, world average 4.8) points. The pass rate of 84% is above the world average (79.1%) as well. The ES congratulates the class of 2020, the teachers and the parents on IB results.

Success Continues!

24 Aug 2020

The European School is proud to have 15 Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts among the staff. To lead the school community through innovations is our main goal and for us, it is very important to achieve success in completing this goal. The European School is the Microsoft partner international school. Its teachers demonstrated unprecedented success within this partnership and were awarded the title of MIE Experts 2020-2021.

Graduates of the Year 2020

09 Jul 2020

This year the Graduation Ceremony at the European School was held considering the current regulations and following safety measures. Diplomas were awarded to the Class of 2020 of the Georgian Program, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, and the American High School. The Georgian Program Director Sophio Bazadze, the Head of IB Programmes Dr. Brice Bommo and the Director of AHS Irma Barbakadze congratulated the graduates.

Microsoft has Awarded Certificates to the European School Team

28 Jun 2020

The European School team presenting Georgia, together with teams from six different countries, took part in an international open lesson “Crossing the borders with Microsoft Teams!” conducted by Microsoft company. The special certificates were awarded to the European School, the teachers: Shorena Abesdaze and Guranda Gogaladze and the students: Niaz Mahdavi, Mishiko Gabaidze, Nini Gabaidze, Ana-maria Iakobidze, Ana Diasamidze, Nugzar Shoshiashvil, Anastasia Gobianidze, and Mariam Jakhua.

The European School –Participant of Microsoft Teams Live Event

28 May 2020

International Open Lesson “Crossing the borders with Microsoft Teams!” The European School-leading school in online teaching is a partner of Microsoft Company and therefore has access to the latest software, services, and platforms.

The European School Supervisory Board Chairman's Gela Bezhuashvili's Address to Alumni

27 May 2020

Let’s Create a Success Story Together! The European School alumni are an integral part of the school community. The school doors are wide open to alumni.  From June, 2020, as soon as earlier imposed restrictions will be loosened, the school facilities, where all required guidelines are followed to prevent spreading of COVID infection, become fully available to alumni. In the summertime, they may use the school infrastructure every day from 10a.m. till 8 p.m. after pre booking the desired space. The alumni can use FabLab technology equipment for startup projects and may receive funding from the school.

Our Message of Thanks to Health Care Workers

13 May 2020

Online Exhibition of Students’ Paintings. Health care workers are risking their lives daily in the fight against global Coronavirus pandemic and protect the lives of others. During Arts lessons, students created paintings illustrating doctors, held the online exhibition and expressed their appreciation and respect in this way.

Let’s Discover Europe - Europe Day Celebrated Online

09 May 2020

“I study at the European School. I respect European values, traditions, languages and culture. During the online lesson, our teacher talked about the European Union. I found out that the Union currently counts 27 EU countries. I like the EU flag which features a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background. It was a surprise for me to discover that anthem of Europe is based on Beethoven’s 9th symphony. The euro is the official currency of 19EU Member States. We learned a lot about German, French, Belgian, Swedish, Italian, Austrian, Spanish, Greek and other EU countries’ cultures and traditions, “ wrote the European School student in her letter.

Important news in the European School

06 May 2020

The European School is the first school in Georgia, that is moving to the full-scale admissions & enrollment online application system. For this we use the modern and advanced technology portal, OppenApply. Online application system significantly simplifies and expedites complicated and time-consuming admissions & enrollment procedures for the parents/applicants, empowers them to apply from anywhere in the world, upload required documents, photos and make payment transactions. OpenApply is compatible with a variety of modern technologies, such as an online payment gateway, automatic text messaging and automatic E-Mail.