
The Beatles
22 Jan 2021The students learned how music posters are being created, how image and typography are connected to each other through music. The students were given 4 songs of the band 'The Beatles' they had to listen to all 4 songs and choose their favorite song, later they had to research the band and their song, each one created a wonderful essay to go with the poster. In class, they read the lyrics of the songs and brainstormed their ideas. By understanding the songs in depth, they were able to produce strong artworks, each poster is unique and shows the true meaning of the song. The students learned the basics of creating posters that everything is connected and everything has a hidden message, a meaning behind it. One must read between the lines.

SAT update
19 Jan 2021Dear Students, As you are aware, the covid-19 pandemic has disrupted college planning and admissions in many ways. It has also pushed College Board to evolve to better respond to the needs of students and colleges navigating this new reality.

IB PYP Students' Online Christmas Party
03 Jan 2021On December 24 all PYP students gathered online with much enthusiasm to celebrate Christmas and New Year. Despite the current pandemic we are facing, IB pyp celebrates togetherness and resilience as we have Christmas in our homes. Music, art, georgian teachers and students worked tirelessly to prepare poems, songs and dances. PYP team is wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

PYP Grade 4C Spirit of Holidays
22 Dec 2020PYP grade 4 C recited poems “Winter Eyes” by Douglas Florian, and 3 poems from “A Child’s Calendar” by John Updike. Young learners are currently working on the transdisciplinary theme “How we express ourselves” and they picked poems as the part of the literature – one of the forms of arts they are exploring. They also decided to show the spirit of holidays through the poems they chose and recorded the video to send warm wishes to family members, the whole school community and all people around the world. Students enjoyed the process of expressing their feelings through the poems. They became more open-minded and reflective during this term. Nigar: “It was fun learning the poems, I improved my memorizing skills and even learned some new words.” Neva: “This poem was easy to learn and it was a fun activity. Also, it reminded me of my family and it made me feel warm.”

4A Formative assessment project for the unit "How we express ourselves" Little Bear is not scared.
22 Dec 20204A PYP students showed their understanding of the unit "How we express ourselves" by taking part in the collaborative project "Little Bear is not scared". While reading the story in rhymes that was written by their 4th grade teacher, students expressed themselves through their beautiful illustrations and spoken words using the intonation to show their understanding of the story. After viewing the project, students reflected on their performance as well as on the whole project by self-assessing themselves.

Writer Tamar Gegeshidze
17 Dec 2020On December 11th, an online meeting was held with the writer Tamar Gegeshidze. There was an interesting discussion between the participants, including getting to know the writer’s personality and thematic view of her book “Sashlelebi” or “Erasers”. The meeting was attended by students of 8th-11th grades from the American high school, the Academic Dean- Natia Tevzadze, the organizers of the meeting- the English language and literature teachers, Nana Mukeria and Ani Bochorishvili. The meeting was not only fun, but also educational. It served as a time to increase awareness of the modern Georgian literature. Students got to listen to interesting recommendations set out by the writer. They received recommendations about classroom reading, and tips on how each young person can make their dream of becoming an author a reality.

რატომ შეიცვალა ცალკეული მოსწავლეების ქცევა დისტანციური სწავლებისას
15 Dec 2020დისტანციური სწავლების დაწყებიდან ძალიან მალე როგორც პედაგოგებისთვის, ისე მშობლებისთვისაც აშკარა…

50th Day of School - G1
14 Dec 2020Every day at Morning Meeting G1 A counts the days of school using a 10 frame. We are counting to the 100th day of school! It is a part of our Daily Jobs that rotate each week and allows learners to take action through numeracy. On the 50th day of school, we made a connection to it being 1/2 of 100! We were challenged to find a way to represent half of something using our critical thinking skills. We then shared it with our class when we celebrated the 50th day of school and being half way to 100!

Virtual Tour of Tbilisi by grade 1A
14 Dec 2020Grade 1A students created a book about favorite place in Tbilisi. Students wrote opinions about their favorite places. Opinions how students personally feel about these places. Students also found facts about places in our community. Facts are things we can research and look up information about. This project promotes student collaboration, builds self-esteem and is an easy way to incorporate educational standards.