Creator Women

Within the unit Creator Women students from MYP 8B/8C grades, studied different creator women and their works. At the end of the unit, during reflection, it appeared that the favorite author for the majority of students was Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili. Students liked her friendly style of writing. Later, with the help of the Georgian Language and Literature teacher, Ms. Ia Ghadua, students developed their initiative of inviting Ana Kordzaia. On Monday, 20th December, 8th graders had a meeting with the popular author. They discussed different topics such as Ana Kordzaia’s biography, women’s role in society, the travel histories of the author, and the inspiration for writing. The students enjoyed the meeting, Ketevan Targamadze says: “This meeting for me was very special because I met with my favorite author Ana Kordzaia- Samadashvili. She answered students’ questions and we all remained engaged in the conversation with her.” In the end of the meeting Ana Kordzaia thanked all the students for their love: “I’m very emotional, a little bit shy as well, but very happy. A big thanks to all of you for this experience!” 

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