IB World


















Dear friends, European School students, parents, and teachers,

During the past nine years, since the founding of European School, we have worked tirelessly to establish a place in the Georgian educational sphere. Today, European School moved into a new phase in its development—European School was granted CIS (Council of International Schools) membership .

During the past year and a half, the whole school—administration, leadership teams, teachers, and students—worked very hard to meet the requirements needed for CIS member schools. After a successful authorization visit, European School has been assigned membership by CIS.

This is everyone’s achievement. The motivation of the whole staff and dedication to continuous improvement was considered the greatest strength of our school. This factor helped created an environment that demonstrated our commitment to CIS-aligned principles, and eventually led to European School becoming a member of the prestigious council.

Congratulations on the huge success! Together with this recognition comes great responsibility. I believe we will continue to move forward with greater dedication and enthusiasm towards achieving our goal to create a better world!

European School Principal Nana Mosidze 





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