On October 26th at 9 am, our first MYP Assembly was held. MYP 10th graders presented their projects: Health and Wellbeing and Food Revolution Project.

According to the current unit “Health and Wellbeing” MYP 10 B students prepared a project about the website, which was created by themselves. They displayed improved media and information literacy skills. Students demonstrated how to be an organized person, independent learner and a good communicator. Students particularly paid attention to effective communication skills and the importance of avoiding plagiarism.

Grade 10 MYP students initiated an action connected with the global context and the statement of inquiry. Inspired by Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Project, half of the 10 C MYP students prepared some dishes for the kindergarten students, while the other half offered them online activities using smart technologies to raise awareness in identifying fruits and vegetables.

Apart from a pure educational purpose, our students expressed some attributes from the perspectives of the IB Learner Profile. Performances at the assembly included:


  1. Nini and Dimitri Dumbadze
  2. Mahdi Jafaryan


Nini Gotoshia


Mishiko Gabaidze

Final Song:

  1. Mishiko Gabaidze
  2. Nini Gabaidze
  3. Xavier Wolinski
  4. Matthew Neha
  5. Niyaz Mahdavi Izadi

MYP students received awards related to the IB Learner Profile attributes:

  1. Balanced
  2. Principled
  3. Communicator
  4. Knowledgeable


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