
Election campaign of Giorgi Tevzadzem, candidate for the presidency of the student parliament

08 Nov 2019

During the campaign Giorgi Tevzadze managed Concert by Gigi Gegelashvili Band.

Election campaign of Anamaria Iakobidze, candidate for the presidency of the student parliament

08 Nov 2019

During the campaign Anamaria Iakobidze managed some interesting events. Anamaria iakobidze had meeting with Mrs. Mariam Jashi - head of committee of education, culture and science in parliament of georgia. They have discussed about desires and problems of students at school.

Election Debates

05 Nov 2019

On November 5, the candidates for the European School Student Parliament Chairperson debated at the Main Conference Hall, where they discussed their visions for Student Parliament next year. After taking few minutes for their opening statements and presenting programs, the candidates took turns answering each question and discussed about the issues they felt were most important. They spoke about why they decided to run in this election, the changes they wanted to make at the European School.

Scary Addams Family Party Guests

04 Nov 2019

This year, the ES Halloween party was hosted by Gomez and Morticia from the Addams Family. Their children-Wednesday and Pugsley kept guests entertained in scary Halloween games. Students dressed in Halloween themed costumes joined the party with great enthusiasm. Various activities were planned to entertain guests: costume parade, musical performances, fun games and nitrogen show with glowing pumpkins. The whole school was engaged in decorating the schoolyard and hallways.

Happy Halloween

31 Oct 2019

Halloween’s Day was celebrated on the 31st of October filled with a fun filled exciting costume parade as well as different spooky games in the PYP department. There were very happy superheroes, witches, ghosts, scary clowns and other interesting characters walking around. Excited faces were seen everywhere as children played, danced and posed for photographs.

MYP Assembly

30 Oct 2019

During this week's MYP Assembly, we shared some important updates and showcased the talents that reside within our student community. On 22nd November, there will be 3-way parent-student-teacher conferences in the Main Hall. More details to be shared via Managebac. We also had presentations from the Student Parliament candidates who shared their vision and strategy on the difference they could make to the European School. There was also a brief presentation about the MUN Conference in London which we encourage students to participate in to develop their analytical and leadership skills.

Typing Race for PYP students

29 Oct 2019

Typing remains a fundamental skill, and it is one of the most important computer skills student need to learn. PYP students had a challenge “Typing Race” between classes during ICT and Computer Science lessons. The main goal of this challenge was developing typing skills. During two weeks students were practicing typing using the special web-site. During the first level we found out three winners in each grade who were typing faster than others. The next level was between grade levels. All finalists got certificates and the winners got badges for their achievements.

PYP Assembly - "We are a community of learners"

24 Oct 2019

On October 21, our Primary Years Programme (PYP) held this year first PYP Assembly for Grades 1 to 5. The assembly was focused on the idea of being a community of learners Student Council members were introduced to the whole PYP. They talked about their understanding of IB Learner Profile attributes and had presented Learner Profile video. In addition, students were shared the idea of the appreciation of the Learner Profile attributes within PYP community. Every month each class will have an opportunity to nominate students who demonstrated a Learner Profile attribute and the photo of the student will be displayed on a Student Council display. At the end of the assembly students once again reviewed the safety evacuation procedures through watching a video made by Grade 5 A and 5 B. Assemblies of this kind will be a monthly occurrence at the PYP section. The assemblies will put an emphasis on promoting student participation in school life and situational learning, which are of great importance for our school community.

IB DP Grade 11 weekend event

22 Oct 2019

IB Diploma Programme Grade 11 students and some teachers were in school on Saturday, 19 October, for a special Grade 11 weekend event. The aims of the event were further familiarisation with the Diploma Programme and team building. The day started at 9 a.m. with an ice-breaking activity led by Mr. David, our CAS Coordinator. Afterwards, Dr Brice gave a presentation on the benefits of the IBDP to raise students’ awareness of the vast array of opportunities in front of them, as IBDP students. Following an interactive session on the structure of the IBDP curriculum, students were taken through the components of internal and external assessment that they are expected to complete between now and May 2021.