
Open Door Day

25 Jun 2017

Open House Day

24 Jun 2017

American Education Department of the “European School” is hosting an Open House of AP High School on April 20, at 3 pm.Prospective parents and students will get detailed information about AP curriculum and admission process for the upcoming 2013-2014 academic year.


24 Jun 2017

November 21, Wednesday, at 13:40 will be held a presentation“What’s Fashion?”Teachers: Rususdan BeridzeManana Kalatozi

მემორანდუმის გაფორმება

24 Jun 2017

27 ოქტომბერს ევროპულ სკოლასა და საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა ეროვნულ აკადემიას შორის გაფორმდება თანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმი.


23 Jun 2017

The “European School” is  offering   SAT  preparation spring session course covering   both - mathematics and verbal components. Mathematics:  Thursday   17.30 – 19.30; Sunday      12.00 – 14.00. Verbal: Saturday   13.00 – 15.00; Sunday       10.00 – 12.00. Deadline   for  sign up – 22.01.2013 at the “European School” Training Centre, room # 4-5. Course  start  on January 24 th. For more information please contact Nino Kobakhidze Tel.:   597 140 508

Children (Amateur) Film Festival

22 Jun 2017

Dear children!For everybody, who loves cinematography ! You can write a script, shoot by a videocamera or a mobile phone, edit, sound, make a graphic design, compose music for a film, act and generally create a feature, documentary or animation film. We invite you to participate in the third international children /amateur/ film festival “golden butterfly – 2013” Deadline – 1 april 2013Contact: Festival Director - Irakli Jaoshvili

ES News -

22 Jun 2017

“European School” IB Students at the “United Nations Youth Assembly”

21 Jun 2017

The first youth delegation from Georgia, together with 100 other youth delegations from all over the world, will participate in the annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations, 2013.