
About AHS - History - English

11 Jul 2017

About American High School Our Mission American High School is a private school in Tbilisi, Georgia designed to develop vibrant individuals and well-rounded members of society. Our curricula, classroom instruction, and institutional philosophy are modeled

CAS - English

07 Jul 2017

CAS Creativity, action, service (CAS) is at the heart of the Diploma Programme. It is one of the three essential elements in every student’s Diploma Programme experience. It involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies throu

Please Notice!

30 Jun 2017

On  Wednesday, June 12 at 14:30 will be held a theatrical show “Pygmalion” - 7b – Teacher S. Bazadze


30 Jun 2017

Study In European School starts on January 23


29 Jun 2017

Dear Parents and Pupils!

29 Jun 2017

It’s the usual way I’ve been greeting you for years. This way I express my warm attitude, love and respect towards you that has been formed during these years. While addressing I feel so close to you, that I think the formal congratulation on starting the New Academic Year is quite unacceptable. And still as Americans say: I wish you “to be healthy, wealthy and wise”. Seven years of our collaboration gives me the right to say it. I am not superstitious and I don’t believe in any special power of numbers. But still I should confess the number “seven” is a sacred one. We’ve gone through a long way full of difficulties and excitement, achievements and disappointment. But we overcame everything together and kept  going ahead and got stronger and wiser. Now we can announce that European School has achieved its primary goal: Our graduates brought fame to our school not only in Georgia, but abroad as well. They gained not only knowledge  and education at our school, but also love, kindness, dignity and I am positive that they maintain these values  throughout their life. We strive to develop ourselves, search challenges and do all our best to update the approaches of methodology. For this purpose  three different programmes have been established at our school. Alongside with the national curriculum  we provide our students with IB and American high school programms. I strongly believe that this diversity will lead us to the top- The 21 century education based on national values. Last but not least –congratulations on starting the New Academic Year! I wish you an exciting and successful year ahead! Keep going! Yours sincerely,Nana Mosidze


29 Jun 2017

Learn  English  with  the  world’s  experts! British  Council  in Georgia  offers  Summer  Courses. 


28 Jun 2017

Schedule Bell Schedule Period 1: 9:00 – 9:45 Period 2: 9:50 – 10:35 Period 3: 10:45 – 11:30 Period 4: 11:35 – 12:20 Lunch 12:20 – 12:50 Period 5: 12:50 – 1:35 Period 6: 1:40 – 2:25 Period 7: 2:30 – 3:15 Period 8: 3:20 – 4:05


28 Jun 2017

On 13 February, at 14: 30, will be held III B graders show " We are Busy"  (teachers  M. Chkonia, E. Berishvili)