
World’s Amazing Places

11 Jun 2017

On Tuesday, April 3 at 2 o'clock at European school will be held the conference "World's Amazing Places" Welcome to our conference!

College Board Accreditation

11 Jun 2017

Having satisfied the criteria as specified by the College Board Commission (United States of America) for AP (Advanced Placement) Accreditation, The European School is hereby awarded A College Board School Code 664020 and receives the right to offer the AP (Advanced Placement) courses.

European School announces admission of first graders in Georgian and International sections for the next academic year 2015-2016.

09 Jun 2017

Enrollment in first grade will be based on personal interviews. For additional information visit the school website  or contact the school .  Tel: 239 44 94;  239 59 64

Parents’ meeting

09 Jun 2017

At European School on Tuesday 07.02.2012 at 17:00 parents of grade 11 students are invited to attend a meeting for consultation about 2013 university admittance. The meeting is held at the conference hall on the sixth floor.

Discover Georgian Cuisine

09 Jun 2017

On December 6, Tuesday, at 15 o’clock English Language Department invites you to: Discover Georgian Cuisine. Welcome to our performance!

History and Social Sciences department’s week

09 Jun 2017

On 20th – 24th of February at the European School there is a History and Social Sciences department’s week”When the present is not graceful, the future will favor”The Department of History and Social Sciences

ES News - 4 February

08 Jun 2017

გადაცემას უძღვება 4ა კლასის მოსწავლე მარიამ კაკოიშვილი გადაცემის თემებია: გაეროს ახალგაზრდულ ასამბლეაზე მიწვეული IB DP სტუდენტების შეხვედრა აფხაზეთის მთავრობის ხელმძღვანელთან; ისრაელის ელჩის სტუმრობა ევროპულ სკოლაში; IB PYP მოსწავლეების თმატური აქცია "ვამზადებთ ჩვენი ხელით";

A Conference of The Science Department

08 Jun 2017

The Science Department of the European School holds a conference “Gene engineering and it’s achievements”    on 11th of May at 15:00. Please visit us!