
Literary Week at the Europsan School
19 Nov 2022Diogene publishers recently published a series of children’s books, Mary Poppins and presented to the European School students during the literary week. Mary Poppins, written by the popular author Pamela Lyndon Travers was translated by Ia Koroshinadze. She met the European School students, talked about the magical world of Mary Poppins, introduced the main characters and explored their adventures. Children shared their impressions with the guest. Within the literary week, the ES students held an exhibition where they exposed paintings about the magical nanny, watched the film adaptation of Mary Poppins, and arranged discussion about it.

Anti Bullying Campaign
16 Nov 2022School violence and bullying, including cyberbullying, is widespread and affects a significant number of children and adolescents. On the International Day against Violence and Bullying at School Including Cyberbullying, the European School encouraged its students and teachers to participate in a range of events aiming to promote and celebrate wellbeing of students. The school hosted founder and the Director of CASE, Lasha Pataraia. He highlighted importance of safe action in the digital world and gave recommendations on how to react on potential threat, bullying, and what to do when facing an online hazard. MYP students, with the support of the School’s Wellbeing Service participated in the conference Reach Out.

ES Student Parliament Chairman
12 Nov 2022Thursday, November 10th, was much awaited by the European School students as it was the Student Parliament Chairman election day. The whole election campaign and election process was a lesson in democracy for our students. The entire process was observed by the support groups of each candidate, the ballot box was unlocked, and ballots were counted in front of them. Students waited with bated breath to know the winner. Chairman of the Student Parliament became Temur Tvauri.

The training Teaching vocabulary in context
10 Nov 2022On November 3rd, National Geographic Learning representatives: Alex Warren (Senior ELT Academic Consultant, National Geographic Learning), Beatrix Mellauner (ELT Head of Sales/Europe, National Geographic Learning) and Tim Pearse (Senior Sales Manager in EdTech /Publishing, National Geographic Learning, Central and Eastern Europe) conducted a training Teaching vocabulary in context for English language teachers of the European School. Teachers actively participated in the interactive training and gained new knowledge on modern teaching methods.

Mock Trial
07 Nov 2022On November 4, 2022, AHS 12B student Anastasia Tskvitinidze produced an exceptional offer for AHS students from different grades interested in law through Mock Trial. It was a pleasant experience for students to demonstrate their charisma, wisdom, logic, and, most importantly, righteousness. Anastasia offered the participants the following role-playing scenario to help them fulfill their roles: Snow White is accused of plotting to assassinate the Queen with her dwarves; Defend Snow White. Those who applied the proper techniques gained the primary roles of two chairs for the prosecution, and two chairs for the defense, eyewitnesses, offender, victim, and jurors. Considering cyberbullying is a major concern in our day, Anastasia chose to include a case that addressed this issue: Defendant Alex was accused of constructing a fake profile for his ex-friend Roni, where Roni was tormented. At the conclusion of the case inquiry, it was determined that Alex was innocent due to attorneys of excellent thinking and exceptional arguments.

Partnership with Les Roshes
07 Nov 2022Partnership with Les Roshes expands opportunities for the European School students. Our students who choose hospitality in higher education can take advantage of the most exceptional and exclusive offer made by the Sommet Education group, which entails: membership of the UNWTO Students’ League and becoming an ambassador promoting Georgian hospitality and internship at InterContinental worldwide. Sommet Education representatives talked to students about the details of this offer, the international career, and prospects that exist in the hospitality field.

UN Day Celebrated
04 Nov 2022United Nations Day was successfully observed in the Main Hall of the European School on October 26th. Tenth graders of the MYP created a presentation that was warmly received by the 7th, 8th, and 9th-grade students present. "The UN is a product of hope" UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated in a message read by 10th-grade presenters, who informed the school community about the important work of UN programs. The 77th anniversary of this United Nations Charter celebration included Guterres' direction, which resonated with the assembly, to "renew our hope and conviction in what humanity can achieve when we work as one, in global solidarity".

Anti-Bullying Day Celebrated
04 Nov 2022Anti-Bullying Day was successfully observed in the Main Hall of the European School on November 3rd. MYP Student Council together with a Well-being Counselor led the assembly that was warmly received by the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th-grade students present. "Reach out" is the theme of 2022 it aims to raise awareness of bullying of children and young people, in schools and elsewhere and to highlight ways of preventing and responding to it. Our students encouraged the MYP community to wear odd Socks on Monday 14th November to celebrate what makes us all unique.

Presentation of Educational Games
03 Nov 2022The Europe-Georgia Institute, in cooperation with the US Embassy and the Embassy of Sweden in Georgia, presented an educational game Electionville at the European School on November 2nd. The game is about local self-governance, democracy and youth civil engagement. At the presentation event the European School hosted Ambassador of Sweden to Georgia Ulrik Tideström, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Georgia Rian Harker Harris and other honorable guests from the US Embassy. The European School students, together with representatives and students of public schools who previously participated in the testing of the floor-game, received an amazing gift -Electionville at the end of the event.