
The Student Parliament Chairman Elections
03 Nov 2022The European School annually hosts the debates before the Student Parliament Chairman Elections. Election Debates 2022, held on November 1st, allowed candidates to represent themselves and their election programs, submit questions to each other, and reveal information about opponents' experience and competence. Voters demonstrated awareness of details about candidates’ election programs that will help them make informed choices at the ballot box and increase the accountability of the elected chairman.

Halloween - 2022
31 Oct 2022On October 31st, the European School students celebrated Halloween. To get into the Holiday spirit, children dressed in all sorts of costumes, painted pumpkins, decorated hallways and classrooms, played various fun games, and generously gave candies to each other.

Meeting with UNICEF
29 Oct 2022IB DP hosted a representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on the 24th of October. UNICEF works to ensure every child is protected, healthy and educated, focusing on the children left behind. The guest shared valuable information about ongoing international programs and how interested students can participate. UN Sustainable Development Goals and service learning were important topics for discussion. Developing a network among international organizations and providing volunteering opportunities to students represent one of the priorities of IB DP CAS Program.

Meeting with AIESEC
29 Oct 2022IB DP hosted representatives of the international youth organization AIESEC on the 19th of October. AIESEC is a community of young people, passionately driven by one cause: peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential. Representatives of the organization held the presentation followed by a Q&A session. As the result, DP students increased awareness about the importance of service and social responsibility and were provided with multiple volunteering opportunities. Developing a network among international organizations and providing volunteering opportunities to students represent one of the priorities of IB DP CAS Program.

Meeting with university admissions counselors
28 Oct 2022Meeting with university admissions counselors is a valuable experience that helps students make important decisions about where to apply and why. Recently, the European School University Counseling Office arranged information sessions for high school students where they met representatives from IE University and Bard College. It is noteworthy to mention that guests from both universities were ES graduates. Mariam Katsanashvili - Manager in Global Markets (Central and Easter Europe) at IE University and Salome Vacheishvili- Admissions Counselor at Bard College Berlin, provided students with detailed information about academic programs, the application process, scholarships, campus life and shared their academic experience that added extra value to the meeting.

Conference - climate change
24 Oct 2022Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. Every citizen of the planet needs to become a part of the environmental movements to save the natural world and secure a better future. The European School environmental activities took part in Roundtable Against the Climate Change: #EYPinAction and following green activities on October 22nd -23rd.

International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating
21 Oct 2022International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating (IDoA) is marked on October 19th. This year’s theme is: Addressing Contract Cheating and Beyond in the New Learning Environment. The American High School students from grade 11, focusing on how each of us has a role to play in supporting academic integrity, conducted several awareness-raising sessions. They held discussions and presented the European School Academic Integrity Policy to the AHS community.

Global Ethics Day
21 Oct 2022Global Ethics Day is an opportunity for individuals and organizations to explore the meaning of ethics in daily life and come together to identify and address the most critical issues facing society. It is an annual moment to empower ethics through actions and use its power to build a better future!

The first PTA meeting at the European School
19 Oct 2022The European School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an additional opportunity for parents to establish a partnership with the school and achieve a common goal that focuses on students’ academic success and helps them to have the best possible school experience.