
Black History Month 2022 at AHS
24 Feb 2022In the United States February is Black History Month. To celebrate this, in the framework of the U.S. History class (Teacher: Mariam Khatiashvili, PhD) the AHS 12th grade students reflected on the contributions of famous African-American individuals to the U.S. society and culture. Students analyzed Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, Malcolm X “The Ballot or the Bullet” speech, Jesse Jackson’s 1988 democratic national convention address, Shirley Anita Chisholm’s speech for the equal rights amendment and Barbara Charline Jordan’s 1976 democratic national Convention keynote address according to the Monroe’s motivated sequence. Using Monroe's motivated sequence, a five-step progressive method of persuasion, students made presentations to discuss how these speeches are organized and inspire people to take action.

Personal Projects Exhibition
22 Feb 2022February 15th saw the culmination of all the hard work put in by Year 10 MYP students with their Personal Projects Exhibition. Once again, we saw an amazing array of varying ideas generated almost six months of work. Projects ranged from educational resources, computer games and applications, Neurobiological projects, startups, online shops, travel guides, tours, photo albums, and many more. 21 MYP students presented their diverse projects to fellow students, parents, staff, and other guests virtually, using Google meets. The Personal Project Exhibition was well attended. The personal project is a yearlong project in which students follow their interests, use their talents, and apply the skills they learned in the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). Project topics may be creative or community need-based and ideally, they should reflect a student’s personal interest. The students gain valuable experience while developing their personal projects an becoming IB learners.

Meeting with Nicholas Chinchaladze
08 Feb 2022PYP Grade 3 students had an online meeting with Nicolas Chinchaladze, Head Of Mars Society Georgia. Mr. Nicolas delivered a presentation about the Solar System and provoked students' interest in the new transdisciplinary theme ``How the world works".

Research projects
04 Feb 2022Developing the research skills of students is our priority. Research-based learning is an integral part of students oriented learning. American High School students held a presentation of their research projects at the European School library. Research papers analyzed and reflected different aspects of social life from perspectives of various disciplines: History, Economics, Cultural Science, and Political Science. Within the projects, the AHS students gained research competence, increased confidence to start and manage research, and enhanced life-long skills.

28 Jan 2022On January 26-28, National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement held its annual conference online, via the Zoom platform. Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, various educational institutions, local and international partner organizations participated at the conference.

Second Grade is blazing new trails
25 Jan 2022Collaboration in PYP is key to success of every classroom. Pathways school’s students asked questions about subjects, lunches, and even how long our lessons are. Ms. Elizabeth mentioned that Georgian is one of the oldest languages in the world today. Our students showed them their Georgian Textbooks, to show how unique the written letters in Georgian are. Ms. Eka demonstrated the sounds of the letters and a few facts about the Georgian alphabet. The meeting lasted 40 minutes and there were 82 students online from India. It was impossible for everyone to ask their questions. Our next meeting will in in early February. Our Second Graders experienced a whole new culture and made their first International, friends as representatives of European school. We are honored to forge a new friendship and to collaborate and build strong bonds for the future.

Georgian literary characters
31 Dec 2021On December 23, 2021, American High School students exchanged Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022 wishes. They created holiday cards on behalf of Georgian literary characters. The authors of the four best cards Nia Khachapuridze (9A), Luka Zhamtuashvili (11B), Kristine Bazerashvili (10) and Niki Bezhuashvili (12A) were awarded with special gifts.

The Embassy of Hungary to Georgia and European School
22 Dec 2021On December 16th, the European School hosted Mr. Gábor Mikecz - Commercial Counsellor at the Embassy of Hungary to Georgia and Mr Dávid Sazbó - Member of the Hungarian Delegation.

Experiential Learning and the CCAAIBWS
22 Dec 2021A conference entitled “Experiential Learning” has been organized by the Caucasus and Central Asia Association of IB World Schools (CCAAIBWS). The Board members of the associations are the European School (Georgia), European Azerbaijan School (Azerbaijan), and the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (Kazakhstan).