
Charity Event

06 Dec 2019

On 30 th of November European School MYP students participated in the charity event initiated by the Red Cross. Students helped sell cupcakes and raised money. Our collaboration with the Red Cross will be continued.

PYP Programme Evaluation and Self-study process

06 Dec 2019

PYP community had chance to finalize the self-study process through the final standard and practices committees’ presentations. For the twelve month the self-study process took a detailed and thorough reflection by all community members on all aspects of the programme implementation. The conclusions represented the perspectives of teachers, school leaders, students, parents and community members. PYP expects the visit to happen on the 1st to 3rd April 2020. A visit will take place to verify the school’s assessment in order to ensure the standards and practices are maintained and furthered. We are all looking forward to celebrating this event.

MYP programs assambly

04 Dec 2019

On 2 nd of December MYP celebrated another beginning of the study week. MYP Coordinator congratulated those students who participated into different SA activities, including Red Cross Charity event and event promoting Healthy eating habits. We are happy about another SA event initiation, coming from our VI graders, regarding collecting toxic substances- batteries. Assembly was opened and closed by our very talented VII grader Zhang Xici who magnificently performed on the piano.

European School Students in the European Parliament

04 Dec 2019

In the frames of the project "How Does the European Union Work:" Euroepan School Students attended the Foreign Affairs Committee,met with Mr. Diallo, Political Adviser at Renew Europe Group and with Sigrid Brettel, Member of Cabinet, European Commission. In the frames of the project "How Does the European Union Work:" the artwork of the European School Students Nini Dumbadze, Mishiko Gabaidze and Mariam Zhorzholiani displayed at the Embassy of Georgia in Brussels under the title "Our Voice to Europe". At the end of the program European School Students made presentations to the officials of the European Parliament.

Autumn Exhibition

03 Dec 2019

At the end of November, Autumn Exhibition was held at the European School. Graphic works and colorful paintings of the Georgian Program and the PYP students were exhibited at the London Avenue. Visitors liked a unique atmosphere and coziness of autumn created with warm colors.

Meeting with the European School Graduate

03 Dec 2019

The Georgian Middle Years Program students from grades VIII-IX started a new project aiming being informed about successful career paths of the ES graduates and receive practical advice from them. Within the project, the first meeting was held with the manager of Acad. F. Todua Medical Center Giorgi Diasamidze. The meeting where the graduate shared his work experience with the ES students was interesting and valuable for the attendees.

12-th graders presentations

03 Dec 2019

American High School, 12-th graders presented their projects in English language. That Presentations were based on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”. The presentations were attended by the school board and staff. 

International conference CONNECT 20

03 Dec 2019

The American High School (AHS) Director Irma Barbakadze and the Academic Dean of AHS Natia Tevzadze attended the International conference CONNECT 20 in Madrid, Spain. The conference was organized by COGNIA- an organization that accredits the US state and public schools and international schools worldwide. New approaches for improving teaching-learning in international schools of Asia and Europe were discussed at the conference. Education specialists and experts shared useful information and practical experiences regarding students’ motivation and preparation for the accreditation process.

PYP Three Way Conferences

02 Dec 2019

European School (PYP Grade 2-5) “Three-Way” conferences was held on November 29. The purpose of Three-way conferences is to celebrate students’ learning and identify goals that will improve their progress. It was a time for students, parents and teachers to share the student’s successes as well as to collaboratively discuss ways of supporting students achieving their goals.