
Parent's Week at the European Kindergarten

14 Nov 2019

Parent’s Week continues at the European kindergarten. Parents are actively involved in the learning process. Today, in the blue group, Natalie Paniashvili's mother, Lisa Nikabadze, talked about the human body. Lisa is an English language teacher at our kindergarten and the lesson was in English. Kids did the skeleton puzzle and finally performed a fun dance to the song: '' Skeleton Dance ''. Thanks to Lisa for an interesting lesson!

Engineers in Blue group

11 Nov 2019

Today in Blue Group we had special guests, Niya’s parents, engineers Jeganathan Mariappan and Maheswary Manohar. They presented very interesting story about how they invented the transportation. Kids listened to the story, they asked and answered some questions. They had so much fun! Thank you dear Maheswary and Jeganathan for taking part of our Parant’s Week! You were awesome!

Amazing Chemistry Experiments

11 Nov 2019

Parentს Week continues at the European Kindergarten. November 8 in the green group we had guests Alexander Glonti's mother, chemist Sopho Patsatsia, along with her colleague Tea Sikharulidze. They did very interesting chemical experiments for kids. The little ones were wrapped in dry ice smoke while they were observing how a little pill took different shapes and sizes, how different liquids did not interfere, how the lemonade was made and so on.

Student Parliament Chair became Anamaria Iakobidze

08 Nov 2019

Student Parliament Chair Elections took place at the European School today, November 8. Students from all three programs (Georgian, IB and AHS) of the European School participated in the voting process. Voting procedures that started at 10 a.m. and continued up until 14:30 p.m., went smoothly and no complications were recorded. In a transparent vote counting process, the members of the administrative team of the school and chair candidates’ trustees were involved.

PYP Team building lesson

08 Nov 2019

4A and 4B Graders of IB PYP programme had a team building lesson together to promote teamwork and positive relationships with each other. Students enjoyed activities as they learned more about each other's individual characteristics and abilities.

Psychologist Workshop

08 Nov 2019

IB PYP psychologist provided a workshop to PYP parents, where they discussed the importance of emotional regulation and ways to establish positive communication with children. Psychologist provided strategies to help children better manage and express their feelings.

PYP Open Doors Day

08 Nov 2019

On Thursday November 7 PYP parents were invited to participate in PYP Grade 2 to Grade 5 Open lessons. This was an opportunity for our parents to observe different learning and teaching approaches used in our school. Parents shared positive feedback and look forward to seeing next PYP event.

Election campaign of Giorgi Tevzadzem, candidate for the presidency of the student parliament

08 Nov 2019

During the campaign Giorgi Tevzadze managed Concert by Gigi Gegelashvili Band.

Election campaign of Anamaria Iakobidze, candidate for the presidency of the student parliament

08 Nov 2019

During the campaign Anamaria Iakobidze managed some interesting events. Anamaria iakobidze had meeting with Mrs. Mariam Jashi - head of committee of education, culture and science in parliament of georgia. They have discussed about desires and problems of students at school.