
TEDx Event

28 May 2019

Friday, May 31 13:00 pm European School - Main Hall


27 May 2019

International Children Film Festival 29, 30, 31 May - 1 June

Drama Performance Premiere in Baku

27 May 2019

In May 18-20, the MYP students travelled to Baku and held the premiere performance -Place for Two at the British School and Donya IB School. The ES students and the students from Baku exchanged memorable presents as symbols of gratitude and cultural exchange. On the day of departure the ES students sent the letters of appreciation to the hosting schools. The students' efforts were reawarded-the premiere had a success in Baku and all the students returned happy and excited to Tbilisi.

Stand-alone unit assembly

27 May 2019

For the past two months grade 4 A students have been working hard to prepare for the stand-alone unit assembly. They have been working together with their drama teacher to stage a short play based on Oscar Wilde’s tale “The Selfish Giant”. Together with the teacher they wrote the script, modified it and chose roles. With the support of the music teacher, students chose songs to sing for the performance. Art teacher helped students to create costumes and decorations for the play. On the 24th of May, students performed in front of their parents and teachers. They enjoyed the whole process of staging a play and were happy to share the result of their hard work with their families.

Final Exhibition

27 May 2019

On May 24, primary and middle school students from the Georgian Program and IB held a final exhibition of the second semester. The exhibited artworks made using various materials and different technics were based on the theme of Interculturalism. Students from grade 9 made a 3D model of the eco-friendly city. The visitors enjoyed the exhibition.

The Independence Day at the Eoropean Kindergarten

27 May 2019

European Kindergarten kids congratulate you for the Independence Day of Georgia. Children listened to the National anthem and took the photos with flags for memory.

Charity Exhibition and Drama Performance

24 May 2019

On May 22, the charity exhibition and drama performance -Place for Two were held at the ES. The MYP students played this performance on the school stage several times and presented it to students at the international schools of Baku as well. The performance followed the charity exhibition where beneficiaries of the Youth House sold handmade pillows, handbags, and bracelets decorated with Georgian ornaments. Money collected from the sold tickets will be given to the Youth House.

Cannes Film Festival

24 May 2019

The American High School students from grade 10 attended the Canes Film Festival. They met Georgian director from Germany Iana Ugrekhelidze and talked about the challenges faced by the Georgian cinematography. Later, the students were invited to the film show by the director.