
UN Association

25 Mar 2019

On March 22, with the support of Georgian Young Diplomats, the UN Association was founded at the European School. Participants of international conference held at the UN Headquarters in New York, in February, became the Association president and the board members. UN Association is planning to work on international projects and to hold later UN assembly in Tbilisi and at the UN Headquarters in New York

Marathon at Lisi Lake

25 Mar 2019

On Saturday, March 22, to promote a healthy lifestyle, a marathon was organized by the ES at Lisi Lake. Medals and certificates of first, second and third place winners were awarded to three different age category students, parents and teachers of the ES. The ES community used this opportunity to promote coming Open Doors Day and distributed promotional leaflets at the Lake.

Fun Sports Games

25 Mar 2019

On March 23, the European School PTA organized a family sports day. Georgian Program and IB teams consisting of parents and students competed in fun sports games. A special cup was awarded to Georgian Program team, beating IB team 3:2

World Down Syndrome Day at the European Kindergarten

22 Mar 2019

On March 19, the European Kindergarten celebrated World Down Syndrome Day. Several awareness activities were held during this day: the school counselor made a presentation about Down syndrome and later, children decorated socks as a symbol of WDSD.

Persian New Year

22 Mar 2019

On March 19, the celebration of Nowruz-the Persian New Year and the beginning of spring by MYP grade 10 students with traditional music and dances performed in national costumes became an interesting way of exploration of Persian culture for the whole school community.

International day of Forests

22 Mar 2019

The European Kindergarten celebrated the International Day of Forests with many interesting activities. Children worked in groups on the application "Forest”, they had a discussion about the importance of forests and danger of deforestation. Later, children decorated trees, listened to birds with a parabolic microphone and gave a shelter to birds.

World Down Syndrome Day

21 Mar 2019

World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21st. Inspiring slogan of this year -Leave no one Behind, motivates everyone to support children with Down Syndrome. The ES students hosted beneficiaries of Children of the Sun. Acknowledging that all people with Down Syndrome must have opportunities to be included on a full and equal basis with others, the ES students integrated guests in different activities. They constructed robots together, conducted chemistry experiments, drew colorful socks, organized flash mob 46+1 and played fun sports games. The day left everyone full of emotions and impressions.

Leave no one Behind!

20 Mar 2019

Following the motto - Leave no one Behind, the ES continues conducting Down Syndrome awareness activities. Throughout the week several lessons in different age groups were dedicated to Down syndrome; our students also visited a day care centre - Children of the Sun and gave presents to the beneficiaries of the center.

Visit to Bookstore

20 Mar 2019

The ES students from Georgian Program, grade 9b visited the bookstore Books in Vake, where they read literary works of Georgian and foreign writers. The students translated pieces from Guram Dochanashvili short novels in English, Russian and Turkish languages before the visit and read them in the bookstore. In addition to literary works of popular Georgian authors, the students received an information about foreign bestsellers as well.