
Personal Project Presentation
10 May 2019On May 7, the MYP personal project presentation was held at the Main Hall. Different topics, passions, and interests were pursued by the students and all this hard work was shared with teachers, family, and friends. The personal project is a yearlong project in which students follow their interests, use their talents and apply the skills they learned in the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). The students gained valuable experience while developing their personal projects.

What should we know about Stink Bug?
10 May 2019On May 8, Maka Murvanidze-professor at Agricultural University, research consultant in USAID/REAP project and IB DP Biology teacher at the ES held a meeting with the ES students and made a presentation on Stink Bug –Asian Parosana. She discussed the results of the research conducted in Georgia and the ways to control harmful pest-Asian Parosana. The meeting was interactive and very interesting for students.

Awarding Certificates
10 May 2019Sophio Bazadze-the Academic Director of the ES awarded certificates to the participants of the 13th International Robotics Competition and their supervisors Dato Nozadze and Lasha Getsadze, who recently returned from Samsun.

Europe Days
10 May 2019The European School continues Europe Day celebrations. Primary years students came to school dressed in traditional costumes of European countries. They made presentations about Greece, Germany, and other EU member states. Students talked about the importance of EU symbols, the EU flag, and anthem. In the end, the costume parade was held at London avenue.

Journey to the European Union
08 May 2019The process of European integration began in the year 1951 and today, we have 28 member states in the European Union. The EU flag displays 12 stars on a blue background; The anthem of the EU comes from the Ninth Symphony composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven; The euro(€) is the official currency of 19 out of 28 EU member countries. On March 1, 2017, Georgians have been granted the freedom to travel to the European countries without a visa. It is our great wish to become a member of the European family. At the European School, the whole week was dedicated to the European day celebration. Several educational and awareness meetings were held throughout the week: PR manager Nino Kusrashvili held a presentation – Journey to the European Union, where students received the information about the European countries: Austria, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Greece. Students wrote letters to the EU with the message wishing Georgia to become a member state of the EU.

Visiting Museum
08 May 2019On April 24, the PYP students from grade 5b visited the exhibition of the famous Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico at the National Museum. The lesson held within the unit- Sharing the Planet, was a good example of giving students knowledge about art concepts based on global contexts.

Street Art
08 May 2019The PYP students from grade 5c painted unfinished buildings in the streets. The students were supervised by Arts teacher Bacho Gogolashvili. This lesson gave the students an opportunity to enjoy an interesting lesson and spend some time outdoors. The typical lessons will be planned in the future again.

Lessons at Tbilisi Sea
08 May 2019On May 3, the PYP students from grade 4a and 4b went to Tbilisi Sea and created stone installations inspired by contemporary artist Michael Grab. The theme of the lesson was Energy. The students observed gravitation force and understood its nature by creating sculptures using only balanced stones. The students were supervised by Arts teacher Bacho Gogolashvili.

Awarding Ceremony at Tbilisi City Assembly
07 May 2019On May 6, Certificates of Achievement were awarded to the ES students by Giorgi Tkemaladze- Chairman of Tbilisi City Municipal Assembly and Tamar Taliashvili-Head of Education and Culture Commission of Tbilisi City Assembly. Sophio Bazadze- Academic Director of the ES and Rita Prokopenko-Chairman of the Association of Young Diplomats delivered speeches and congratulated the students who returned recently from Strasburg and Brussels after having official visits in the European Parliament and the Euro Commission. For leading the international project, the Academic Director Sophio Bazadze, and the Coordinator Linda Tsitskishvili were awarded as well. At the same day, paintings of one of the participants of the project, young diplomat Mishiko Gabaidze were exhibited at Tbilisi City Assembly’s historic hall named after King Tamar.