
PYP Grade 4 students visited National Museum of Georgia

01 Mar 2018

In line with our Unit of Inquiry “Signs & Symbols” PYP 4th grade teachers and students visited the Simon Janashia National Museum of Georgia after covering the topic ‘Stone age’. The Museum represents a scientific-educational institution that preserves and exhibits a unique collection of natural and human history of the country, starting from animal remains dated back 40 million years. The students were impressed learning about prehistoric human remains found in Dmanisi, as this discovery has changed the whole theory of human evolution. Our students found the large collection of treasures - gold and silver artifacts and jewelry from different historical periods to be very interesting. Our visit to the Museum played a very important role in deepening students’ knowledge related to their unit of inquiry.

Let’s Protect the Environment!

01 Mar 2018

On February 27, within the transdisciplinary topic “Protect the Environment”, professor Besarion Kalandadze met grade 3 students. The guest explained the process of composting and importance of recycling.

American High School World History and AP World History Classes Explore the Roman Treasures of the Georgian National Museum

27 Feb 2018

On Tuesday, February 13, American High School Grades 8, 9, 11, and 12 students in World History and AP World History classes toured the Georgian National Museum with Mr. Joseph Blake and Dr. Natia Pipia. Dr. Pipia, a noted author of a scholarly published work regarding the numastic treasures of Georgia and history professor at Tbilisi State University, explained the significance of many of the ancient Roman republic and empire treasures on display, followed by a tour of the Soviet Occupation exhibition on permanent display. Exploratory understanding and comprehension of Georgia’s place and impact via the ancient Silk Road at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the world as a whole is essential for understanding the past, present, and future.

PYP Grade 3A Assembly

26 Feb 2018

This term our third grades are focusing their learning on how people express themselves. Through this unit of inquiry, students found out about the history of communication, and what tools have been used to exchange information during different periods of time. During the assembly students were given an opportunity to share everything they have learnt during the unit with other students from PYP. They prepared a song during music lessons, with the help of the art teachers they draw different ways of communication, in ICT they created presentations about the topic and presented these during our assembly. At the end of the assembly they sang a song using sign language to show that even in hard situations people always manage to find ways to communicate with each other. The assembly helped to share their findings with others through presentations, song and a dance.

Sign Language – New Language for PYP Students

26 Feb 2018

Communications between deaf-mute and non-deaf-mute people have always been a challenging task. In the frame of the Unit of Inquiry ‘Signs & Symbols’ PYP grade 4 students invited a sign language teacher together with her 3 students with special needs. The project aimed to facilitate children by means of a hand based deaf-mute communication system. Our students were taught basic sign language. They were involved in discussions and games which made students’ learning experience fun! It was so emotional when the 4th graders found it very interesting and challenging to share their thoughts and feelings with deaf-mute students using sign language. One of the fourth graders said: “I can never forget the time when I managed to express all of my emotions and feelings without saying a word! I appreciate the abilities we have from birth, whereas, for someone else, that is only a dream.” This activity helped students to develop their tolerance and empathy as well as their non-verbal communication skills and foster further inquiry in the unit.

Future Cyber Security Expert

25 Feb 2018

On February 23, 2018, the European School hosted the "Future Cyber Security Expert" Conference. The European School students together with the cyber security experts delivered speeches, focusing on practical perspectives of cyber security: personal data protection, ethical issues and maintaining teenagers' safety in cyber space, the top careers of the future,etc. Needless to say, these issues are equally relevant to all members of modern society.

"Let's be Conductors!"

23 Feb 2018

Conductor Mirian Khukhunaishvili opened up the Classical Music Festival at the European School by holding conducting lessons for our students. Children got to experience the magical powers of the baton and conducting an Orchestra on stage. The orchestra performed several famous pieces of classical music. PYP grade 5 student, Niko Gersamia, emerged as an overall winner of the day. Mirian Khukhunaishvili awarded him with a baton.

Migration Night

23 Feb 2018

PYP fifth graders celebrated the end of the third unit about migration with a Family Migration Story Night. On February 21, 2018, all fifth grade parents brought a national dish from their own culture and shared their own migration stories with the students and other families. There were a lot of different foods on display and it was a lovely evening. One of the parents commented that this was a great occasion to meet the other fifth grade parents and come together. It served as a great wrap up to what the students had been learning about animal and human migration throughout the unit, showing the students that migration isn’t just a school topic but a real-life experience. This night also coincided with the International Mother Tongue Day and wonderfully celebrated the variety of cultures and languages we currently have at our school. Students were translating for parents who didn’t speak English and there was a lot of discussion about complications with language when people move to a new country. At the end of the event, students presented some works that reflected their own perspectives about migration and the knowledge that they gained throughout the past month.

International Mother Language Day

22 Feb 2018

The world celebrates the International Mother Language Day on February 21. Having a very diverse student body with over 23 different nationalities represented, the European School is multilingual and our students eagerly join International Mother Language Day celebration every year. On February 21, 2018, the European School students tried to teach their peers popular phrases in their mother tongues, delivered presentations about the history of their native languages, discussed native alphabets, read poems and played fun games. At the end of the day, parents joined the celebration and brought homemade traditional dishes to embrace the cultural and linguistic diversity at the European School.