
Literacy Week
23 Nov 2023ლიტერატურული კვირეული განსაკუთრებული, დაუვიწყარი შთაბეჭდილებების მომტანი იყო მოსწავლეებისთვის. წიგნების ფესტივალი, ახალი გამოცემების წარდგენა, ლიტერატურული ვიქტორინის გამარჯვებულთა დაჯილდოება, მწერლებთან: მარიამ წიკლაურთან, რატი ჩიქოვანთან შეხვედრა, ჯგუფი “ნუ მიეყრდნობის" კონცერტი და ბოლოს, კვირეულის კულმინაცია - მწერალი დათო ტურაშვილის მასპინძლობა, მოზარდებისთვის იყო შესაძლებლობა, კიდევ ერთხელ დაფიქრებულიყვნენ ლიტერატურის მნიშვნელობაზე და გაეთავისებინათ წიგნის კითხვის მშვენიერება.

ES students want to be Green!
17 Nov 2023The European School community members inspire each other to take small steps into a greener footprint and make a real difference by supporting environmental sustainability.

University Visits
08 Nov 2023With the organization of the University and Career Counseling Office, highly ranked universities continue to visit the European School to give presentations on their programs, admission processes, and post-graduation opportunities for students.

Empowerment through the Gift of Knowledge: Our School's Book Donation Campaign
05 Nov 2023In our ongoing commitment to harness the transformative power of literature, we are thrilled to announce a special initiative that seeks to repurpose books that may have remained untouched on our shelves. Our mission is clear: to breathe new life into these literary treasures and ensure they find a meaningful purpose.

Remarkable Achievements of Our Student, Nitsa Skvitaridze
05 Nov 2023We are delighted to share with you the remarkable achievements of our student, Nitsa Skvitaridze, who has been invited to contribute her inspiring journey to the Women's Narrative. In a comprehensive interview, Nitsa shared her outstanding accomplishments, which we are eager to present to you in the following list:

Election 2023
03 Nov 2023Today, Student Parliament Chairman Elections were held at the European School. 787 students from grades 6-12 voted at polling places. After the casting of ballots, counting and announcement of election results took place sequentially. The results are in, and we are pleased to announce the new Chairman of the ES Student Parliament - Mariam Bezhuashvili.

Haloween - 2023
03 Nov 2023The European School was in the Halloween spirit yesterday - fun, energy, pumpkins, happy Superheroes, Fairies, Witches, Ghosts, and other interesting characters walking around. Excited faces were seen everywhere as children posed for photographs.

#ElectionDebates2023 #ESStudentParliament
26 Oct 2023The European School annually hosts the debates before the Student Parliament Chairman Elections. Election Debates 2023, held on October 25th, allowed candidates to represent themselves and address their campaign platform to the student body. Student leaders running for the Chairman position answered questions from other candidates and the audience.

Healthy Lifestyle by PYP
26 Oct 2023IB PYP joined the ES Green Year campaign. During their first transdisciplinary theme, Who We Are, grade 3 students inquired into the healthy lifestyle. They learned the importance of a balanced diet, sleep, hygiene, and being active. Thus, at the end of the unit, the students decided to put their knowledge into action and organize a marathon on Turtle Lake. Together with the Georgian teacher Ms. Lika, the students prepared fliers that they distributed on the lake to promote healthy living and spread awareness. The students ran two laps around the lake and exercised using the sports equipment available at the lake. The students had a great time and were able to see that exercising can be fun and engaging.