
University Fair

30 Mar 2023

On Friday, March 24th, the European School University Counseling Office hosted University Fair and welcomed representatives from IE University, Bocconi University, Trinity College Dublin, Constructor University (Formerly Jacobs University), and Modul University Vienna. Meeting with university admissions counselors is a valuable experience that helps students to make important decisions about where to apply and why. It is the perfect way for students to choose which course or pathway is right for them.

International Day of Forests

30 Mar 2023

On March 21, we celebrated International Day of Forests in the European Kindergarten. Children worked on group projects. After that we had the exhibition of their amazing works. They talked about the importance and protection of mother nature.

Georgian Youth in Global Affairs

27 Mar 2023

On March 3-9, the European School students participated in the international program "Georgian Youth in Global Affairs".

International Day of Happiness at the PYP

27 Mar 2023

The PYP community celebrated International Day of Happiness through an assembly. Students participated in different activities guided by the subject teachers. Students and teachers prepared presentations, sang songs and recorded videos to celebrate these days.

Math Day Assembly

27 Mar 2023

The PYP celebrated the international day of mathematics. The aim of the celebration was to encourage creativity and make connections between mathematics and real-world concepts and ideas. During the assembly, students had the opportunity to explain and celebrate the role that mathematics plays in life. 

Spanish Event at the European school

26 Mar 2023

On March 17th, the European School Diploma Program hosted Spanish Event. Attendees enjoyed the journey to the Hispanic World: student presentations, Spanish romantic songs, dances, and motivational speeches of official guests: Marcos Granados Gomez, Charge’ d’Affaires at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain to Georgia, and Adrian Lopez, CEO at Your Business in Georgia. February and March are CARNIVAL months, so the winners of the "Carnival Masks Competition" were also announced at the event.

Lytham St Annes Classical Association’s Ancient Worlds Competition 2023

17 Mar 2023

American High School students have won the International Winners title at the Classics Competition 3 times in a row.  The winners of the Lytham St Annes Classical Association’s Ancient Worlds Competition 2023 became Nitsa Skhvitaridze and Andria Laitadze, AHS grades 9 and 10 students.  

Robotics Competition

15 Mar 2023

The European School held a Robotics Competition designed to teach grade 3-4 students coding with the Botley   robot.  Teams containing three students each were challenged to create an algorithm, reach the ending point by selecting the shortest path, navigating Botley to perform a series of movement tasks, including turning and line following. The students had a lot of fun trying to get Botley to complete the challenge.  The competition was a challenge and entertaining learning opportunity at the same time.

Visiting U.S. Embassy Tbilisi

09 Mar 2023

On March 2, 2023, AHS Dean Natia Tevzadze, AHS Student Engagement Coordinator Mariam Khatiashvili, and AHS students visited U.S. Embassy Tbilisi, Georgia. In the framework of this visit, they attended a lecture on the topic "Judicial Reform" by Lana Morton-Owens, legal advisor, U.S. Department of Justice. The meeting ended with a Q&A session.