
Book Week
02 Apr 2019The European School holds Book Week- a week-long celebration of reading, from April 1st to April 5th. Several activities are planned within this week. A variety of Books from different publishers and bookstores will be sold at the European school hallways during the whole week.

Open Door Day
29 Mar 2019On March 29, an Open Doors Day was held at the European School. Meeting with parents took place in the Main Conference Hall and was chaired by the Academic Director Sophia Bazadze. The British Council Teaching Centre Manager Steven Shelli and the General Director of the Future Laboratory Giorgi Kashibadze also welcomed parents. Later, parents had a school tour and meetings with program coordinators. The European School is grateful to each parent who made a choice and decided to enroll kids in our school.

Theatre and School
29 Mar 2019On World Theatre Day Georgian Program students attended a theatre performance for children. ,,Muza” artists staged an amusing performance for kids and made them love theatre more.

Village Builders
29 Mar 2019PYP students from grade 2 staged a performance according to Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani’s fable “Village Builders”. Different nationality students learned Georgian alphabet, reading, writing, simple phrases, poems, songs and surprised their parents.

Art of Advertising
29 Mar 2019Advertising company AdVan made a presentation for PYP students. The presenters showed several advertisements to students and gave tips for effective advertising.

When Science is Fun
27 Mar 2019On March 22, Georgian Program students from grade 2a visited Experimentorium - Museum of Entertaining Science. The visit made students see themselves as future scientists. They measured strength of shouting, caught a thunder with hands, drew on the sand and participated in an unforgettable scientific show.

Experiments in Physics Lab
27 Mar 2019Science becomes really fun when kids explore physic’s laws through science experiments offered by older students. On March 26, Irina Kochlamazashvili conducted an entertaining Science lesson. Students from grade 2 observed water drops on coins, drew on milk, watched how an egg disappeared in a beaker and a boat floated on a colorful liquid.

March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day
25 Mar 2019To honour World Tuberculosis Day-the date when the disease was discovered, Georgia Red Cross Society held an awareness session for students from AHS and Georgian Program of the European School. Red Cross Society representatives informed students about the causes of the disease, spreading of TB and its treatment. Additional awareness activities are planned for March 24, at Mziuri Park.

UN Association
25 Mar 2019On March 22, with the support of Georgian Young Diplomats, the UN Association was founded at the European School. Participants of international conference held at the UN Headquarters in New York, in February, became the Association president and the board members. UN Association is planning to work on international projects and to hold later UN assembly in Tbilisi and at the UN Headquarters in New York