
Learning New Techniques for Managing Behaviour Problems
11 Nov 2018On November 9-10, our kindergarten teachers participated in the training, which aimed to help them effectively manage behavior problems in their little pupils. They learned a set of practices and strategies, on one hand, to prevent and effectively manage inappropriate behavior and, on the other hand, to create and maintain an environment that promotes both teaching and learning.

Chocolate Making Masterclass at "Chocolaterie Artisan"
10 Nov 2018On Saturday, November 10, our Grade 1B students from the Georgian Program attended a masterclass at Chocolaterie Artisan. Children inquired into information about the history of chocolate creation and learned more about different types of chocolates. They watched how the professional chocolatier melted, molded and stuffed chocolate with various fillings. In the end, students ate freshly made candies, handcrafted in front of them and drank hot chocolate. Our first graders enjoyed the time spent at Chocolaterie and went home loaded with excitement and delicious sweets.

Grade 4 Unit Assembly
10 Nov 2018On 9th November, Grade 4 from our Primary Years Programme (PYP) held the Unit Assembly. For the past six weeks, fourth graders have been inquiring into the theme “Who We Are”. Students found out why our appearances differ and how we inherit traits from our parents. They studied different cultures and their elements, including traditions, cuisine, customs, music, etc. With the help from their parents, students were able to deepen their knowledge of their own cultures. Children also learned what a conflict is, how it affects a society and its members and figured out the ways of preventing and managing it. They even organized a peaceful protest against bullying.

Autumn Colors of the Botanical Garden
09 Nov 2018Our students from Georgian Program Grade 2a took a stroll in the lovely surroundings of the Tbilisi Botanical Garden and enjoyed the beauty of autumn nature. Their art teacher, Lana Barabadze, gave her pupils a short introduction to Land art. Afterward, within the theme of "Family", children used plants and flowers to create a composition of a house.

Iveri Chelidze Football Tournament Final
09 Nov 2018Iveri Chelidze football tournament which was held at the European School in the loving memory of our former student Iveri Chelidze has come to an end. The teams competed in three different age groups from grade 4 to grade 12. The first category final match was between PYP grade 5 B and MYP grade 6 students, the second category final match was between MYP grade 8 and AHS grade 9 students, while the third category final match was between AHS grade 11 and AHS grade 12 students. The winners of the tournament are MYP grade 6, MYP grade 8 and AHS grade 12 in the given order. Along with the winning team members, other students were also awarded in different categories: best player, best goalkeeper, and top scorer. The participants of the tournament were awarded by the academic director of The European School, Ms. Sophio Bazadze and Mr. Iveri Chelidze, who traditionally attends the championship each year. It is to be noted that the third category winners, AHS grade 12 class students are Iviko’s former classmates and because of that, this victory had a special meaning for them.

“Who We Are” - Summative Assessment Presentation and Trip to Chateau Mukhrani
09 Nov 2018Our IB second graders summarized the first unit of inquiry by creating 3D community models in groups. For this project, our 7 and 8-year-old students designed their own communities and assigned different roles and responsibilities to their community members. Children worked together to find ways to solve a common problem in their community. Second graders presented their project to PYP community of learners. Afterward, our students enjoyed linking this unit to a field trip they took to a rural community outside of Tbilisi. They visited “Chateau Mukhrani” and its serene farm with horses. Students had a chance to bake traditional Georgian bread and khachapuri. They had a lot of fun learning!

Field Trip to Social Enterprise "Babale"
08 Nov 2018On Friday, November 7, our Grade 1G students from the Georgian Program went on a field trip to the social enterprise "Babale". Children inquired into information about colors, created their own paints and used them along with some ornaments to decorate creative wooden objects. Our students were happy to proudly take home the handmade toys as the fruits of their labor.

Halloween Party 2018 at the European School
07 Nov 2018Our students and staff attended the scariest party of the year, organized by our students - haunted house, mental torture room, costume catwalk and contest, fun games, musical, dance and drama shows and spooky chemical experiments. The second part of the evening included a non-stop dance party with the professional DJ.

Field Trip to the Juice Factory
07 Nov 2018On November 7, students from our Georgian Program grade 1B visited the "Campa" juice factory. Pupils observed juice making and product packaging processes and took a tour in the warehouse, where thousands of juice boxes were stocked. Children even got the chance to drive a special machine and transport products from one place to another. In the end, students participated in a tasting of various fruit flavors. Our 4th graders returned home filled with excitement.