
Conversations with Psychologist - How to make the adaptation process with school run smoothly
30 Oct 2018Student’s support center at the European School continues a series of meetings “Conversations with Psychologist”. On October 30, our school psychologist Ketevan Osiashvili met with parents of 1st graders and centered her discussion around the topic “Adaptation of first-graders to school". At the meeting, parents were given recommendations on how to make the adaptation process with school run more smoothly. Moreover, she gave them tips on how to create a conducive environment for their children's cognitive development.

International Animation Day at the European School
29 Oct 2018On October 29, our primary years students from the Georgian Program celebrated the International Animation Day. Dressed up as their beloved cartoon characters, pupils demonstrated spectacular outfits at the red carpet fashion show and made a flash mob. Afterward, children had the pleasure of attending the puppet theatre performance and as a memento, took photos with their favorite puppets.

Field Trip to Wine Tunnel in Kvareli
27 Oct 20187th graders from our IB Middle Years Programme took a field trip to Kvareli. They visited an old wine tunnel "Gvirabi". After enjoying a tour about Georgian traditional winemaking techniques and a cultural review of the region, they made Churchkhelas and baked Georgian bread all by themselves. This trip was aimed to help students gain a better understanding of personal and cultural expression.

Our Students Advocating a Healthy Lifestyle
27 Oct 2018A healthy lifestyle is one of the core topics of the IB program. Our students learn how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods, the importance of being physically active and positive effects of spending time outdoors, getting some fresh air. In order to extend learning beyond the walls of a classroom, we decided to organize a marathon at the Turtle Lake. Along with some fruit, children handed out informational booklets to passerby. In addition, they shared valuable pieces of advice about leading a healthy lifestyle, thus taking part in raising public awareness on this burning issue.

Amazing Chemistry Experiments at our Kindergarten
26 Oct 2018Today, the children of European Kindergarten had a magical day. Thanks to Sopo Patsatsia, the mother of our pupil, and Tea Sixarulidze, children embarked on an adventure in the fascinating world of chemistry: they saw how a little pill takes different shapes, learned how to make a lemonade, witnessed mini volcano eruption, and were amused by the different colors of "Elephant's Toothpaste". As the final experiment, our guests used a dry ice to create a mysterious fog, which dazzled our little scientists and made a lasting impression on them.

Mathematics Quiz Game
26 Oct 2018On October 25, 4th graders competed in a mathematics quiz in mixed class groups. Students participated enthusiastically and demonstrated excellent logical thinking and teamwork skills. Finally, the winning team received hearty congratulations from their rivals and was applauded by their friends and teachers.

Posters dedicated to the UN Day
25 Oct 2018On October 24, 10th graders from our IB programme created and put up the posters dedicated to the UN Day. The posters covered the following topics: 1. what is emotional health? 2. How we can stay emotionally healthy? As part of their study for language acquisition, this project will help them gain a better understanding of global context.

First PYP Assembly - Promoting Student Participation in School Life
24 Oct 2018On October 22, our Primary Years Programme (PYP) held its first PYP Assembly for Grades 1 to 5. The assembly was focused on the IB Learner Profile. Students shared their understanding of IB Learner Profile attributes and had the opportunity to watch several videos about this topic. In addition, Student Council members presented informational video clips, created by them. The videos illustrated daily life at the European School and aimed to encourage a better understanding of our school’s routines and procedures. Assemblies of this kind will be a monthly occurrence at the PYP section. The assemblies will put an emphasis on promoting student participation in school life and situational learning, which are of great importance for our school community.

Meeting with Giorgi Kekelidze
24 Oct 2018On Wednesday, October 24, eminent Georgian writer Giorgi Kekelidze met with our 4th graders and conversed about the process of writing a book.