
From #EuropeanSchool to the #IvyLeague

20 Dec 2022

Great news from the European School's University Counseling Office - our student admitted early to an Ivy League university. Mishiko Gabaidze from the IB Diploma Programme will continue his studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Congratulations, Mishiko! We are extremely proud of you!

Meeting with the UN Global Compact Regional Director

10 Dec 2022

On the 6th of December, IB DP hosted the regional director of UN Global Compact, Ms. Salome Zurabishvili. The meeting was dedicated to UN Sustainable Development Goals and global challenges that current mankind faces and how can each individual contribute to dealing with them. Our guest facilitated an interactive game at the end of the meeting and gave presents to students. Developing a network among international organizations and providing volunteering opportunities to students represent one of the priorities of IB DP CAS Program. 

The Hour of Code in PYP

10 Dec 2022

PYP students celebrated “The Hour of Code” and presented their work during the PYP Assembly. Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science using fun activities students play, explore and create several games. PYP students also participated in the typing competition. The fastest student in typing at PYP was Aleksandre Gasviani who typed 69 words per minute. The winners got certificates and badges.

PYP Presidential Elections

07 Dec 2022

Grade 5 students concluded their second unit of inquiry “How we organize ourselves” by hosting PYP presidential elections 2022-2023. Each class elected two candidates, by voting. The candidates then worked together with their teams on their campaigns. Students created logos, slogans, posters and flyers to promote their candidate. The candidates participated in debates and presented their campaign to the PYP community. On the 2nd of December, the PYP community elected their president. Grade 5 students had different roles during the elections, they were signing up the participants, giving out ballots and stamping the ones who voted. They guided the whole process and were principled and communicators. Anna Openko was elected as the PYP president.


03 Dec 2022

On November 30th, the European School hosted its 9th TEDx conference -   TEDxIBEuropeanSchool.   Nine speakers from Georgian, AHS, and IB programs shared their Ideas Worth Spreading. From environmental issues to healthy lifestyles, sustainable agricultural practices, translation difficulties, performing art, risk-taking, decision-making, expressing opinion freely, and appreciation for history, each area allowed us “Being More” of ourselves through self-development.

Corporate Social Responsibility

03 Dec 2022

IB DP hosted the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager of Liberty bank on the 13th of November. Our guest shared her experience in terms of social projects and the importance of social responsibility. With help of the question and answer session, students managed to link their theoretical knowledge with practical examples and moved forward to completing CAS program successfully. 

CAS workshop at Radisson Tsinandali

03 Dec 2022

IB DP organized CAS workshop in Kakheti, where students had practical activities with the help of which they improved their understanding of reflections and their importance for personal development. Within the tour, students visited museum of Alexander Chavchavadze and Schumi Winery and had masterclasses of making Churchkhelas. 

UN Days at PYP

28 Nov 2022

PYP students inquired into the UN Days and celebrated Science Day, TV Day, World Toilet Day, etc. Students worked in teams or individually with the guidance from the teachers and parents and worked on creating the videos demonstrating their understanding of the importance of these days. During Science Day grade 4B conducted different experiments based on the current unit “How the world works”. They explored different types of energy during this activity. Grade 1A and 2A recorded videos showing the importance of personal hygiene celebrating the World Toilet Day. All of the holidays were chosen by the PYP Student Council members together with the PYP community. Join us!

Georgian culinary masterclass

22 Nov 2022

PYP learners from grade 3 participated in a Georgian culinary masterclass. They learned the history behind the authentic recipes of khachapuri and churchkhela and had a go at making them themselves. Afterward, they savored their food and seemed happy with their hard work results.