
Autumn Exhibition

03 Dec 2019

At the end of November, Autumn Exhibition was held at the European School. Graphic works and colorful paintings of the Georgian Program and the PYP students were exhibited at the London Avenue. Visitors liked a unique atmosphere and coziness of autumn created with warm colors.

Meeting with the European School Graduate

03 Dec 2019

The Georgian Middle Years Program students from grades VIII-IX started a new project aiming being informed about successful career paths of the ES graduates and receive practical advice from them. Within the project, the first meeting was held with the manager of Acad. F. Todua Medical Center Giorgi Diasamidze. The meeting where the graduate shared his work experience with the ES students was interesting and valuable for the attendees.

PYP Three Way Conferences

02 Dec 2019

European School (PYP Grade 2-5) “Three-Way” conferences was held on November 29. The purpose of Three-way conferences is to celebrate students’ learning and identify goals that will improve their progress. It was a time for students, parents and teachers to share the student’s successes as well as to collaboratively discuss ways of supporting students achieving their goals.

MYP assembly

02 Dec 2019

On 29 th of November another MYP assembly was held. The main purpose of the assembly was to share important weekly updates and showcase important experiences taking place in our classroom. MYP students participated in the fund-raising event to help little Anita collect money for her operation. In total 5300 Gel was raised. We are happy to announce new debate club opening from the next week. Report cards will be issued in the middle of December. Two new Service and Action opportunities will be taking place from tomorrow. One – in collaboration with the Red Cross and second one will aim to spread education around the school and the world, more details will be shared on managebec. VI graders with the help of Individuals and Society teacher Tamar Sekhniashvili shared some activities taking place in their classrooms. They also shared self-made videos about global problems. This week’s MYP Excellence Trophy was awarded to the students involved in showcasing excellence through their actions, concentration and dedication.

ივერი ჭელიძის სახელობის ჩემპიონატი ფეხბურთში

28 Nov 2019

“ევროპულ სკოლაში“ დასრულდა ივერი ჭელიძის სახელობის ჩემპიონატი ფეხბურთში. ტურნირი გაიმართა სამ სხვადასხვა ასაკობრივ გატეგორიაში: 4-6, 7-9 და 10-12 კლასები. ფინალური მატჩები გაიმართა 26 ნოემბერს. ტურნირის გამარჯვებულები გახდნენ: ქართული პროგრამის 4ა, 8ა და 10 კლასები. ჩემპიონატში მონაწილეები დააჯილდოვა ბატონმა ივერი ჭელიძემ და მისმა ოჯახმა, რომელიც ტრადიციულად ყოველწლიურად ესწრება ჩემპიონატის მსვლელობას.

Trip to the National Museum

28 Nov 2019

As part of their learning process grade 3 PYP visited the National Museum of Georgia. Grade 3 students are currently inquiring into the unit ‘where we are in place and time’ under which they are learning all about ancient civilizations and how these civilizations shaped the structure of modern societies. During the trip students explored ancient artifacts and connected what they saw to the knowledge and information they have acquired during their lessons. They chose one artifact from the museum and recorded information to further explore it after the trip. Students had a lot of fun and spent a wonderful time together with their classmates and teachers.

For Supporting Anita

28 Nov 2019

On November 28, the whole European School united and conducted charity action for supporting the little Anita. With the initiative of the Student Parliament Chair Anamaria Iakobidze, famous Georgian singer Nini Badurashvili held a concert at the school. The students were happy to meet Nini. Nini Badurashvili and TV show anchorman Nikoloz Tsulukidze, both agreed to join the campaign with great enthusiasm.

Alma Cup 2019

28 Nov 2019

On November 20-23, with the initiative of the Student union Alma Mater, tournament in Minifootball-Alma Cup 2019 was held at Grigol Robakidze University. Several teams of the university faculties and partner schools: the European School, State School №23 and State School №98 participated at the tournament.

Anti Bullying Campaign #goodtogether

26 Nov 2019

Within the Anti Bullying Campaign #goodtogether, several events were held at the European School organized by the Student Well-being Center: the MYP , the PYP and the Georgian Program students arranged a showcase of short movies and following discussions about bullying theme in classes and at the library. They created posters, some crafts and exhibited in the hallways. The PYP students additionally dedicated the assembly to the bullying theme. #goodtogether ,,#ერთადუკეთესია’’