Memorandum of Understanding with Khan Academy
31 May 2018Starting from May 31, 2018, David Bezhuashvili Education Foundation will contribute to Khan Academy by providing resources for a Physics course in Georgian language, allowing up to 200 000 students to educate themselves online. The European School hosted a symbolic signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between the European School and Khan Academy.
Minister of Justice of Georgia Visits the European School
31 May 2018On May 30, 2018, Tea Tsulukiani, Minister of Justice of Georgia, visited the European School and attended Grade 9-10 students’ project presentations. Students were split into German- and French-speaking groups. In groups students discussed bullying: the causes and symptoms, possible negative effects of bullying and ways to prevent it.
Joint Innovative Project "Invest In Future"
29 May 2018The European School, together with the Future Laboratory Company, is launching an innovative joint project to transform into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) school, develop relevant infrastructure to produce innovations and provide students with knowledge and skills that will ensure their competitiveness in the future.
KARAGIS – a dream country!
29 May 2018On the 29th of May, PYP 4th graders had an assembly that united all the UOI topics that we covered throughout the year. The students created a new country, Karagis, with new culture, traditions, laws, government, national food, clothes and anthem, holidays, jobs and so on. The name of the country is specific, as it was created by using the first letters of the students’ nationalities.
Kindness Day
29 May 2018For Kindness Day grade 1 students were given tags of the same color. Throughout the day students got tags from another student by doing an act of kindness towards them. By the end of the day they had fourteen different color tags and were so happy to see how they spread kindness all around.
Exhibition of Projects, PYP
29 May 2018As part of the final year of PYP, the fifth graders held a huge exhibition of projects that they designed, researched, and implemented over the course of seven weeks. The main theme was “Sharing the Planet” and students chose topics connected to this theme, such as public transportation, deforestation, air pollution, child welfare, healthcare access, and racism. Students had to research and interview experts related to their topic, conduct surveys, develop and execute a community action, and prepare a creative performance. All of their information was combined on a large display that, along with the performances, was shown on the Exhibition day. Students added their own flair with food, games, balloons, stickers and more. Overall, it was an extremely fun event and it demonstrated how much the students had learned over their time in PYP. Many parents commented on the changes they saw in their children and how they were more independent, curious, and engaged. Even the students themselves stated that the Exhibition process was fascinating. One student stated that it gave them the opportunity to prove to themselves that they could work hard and succeed. Throughout the process, Exhibition develops a student’s social, thinking, self-management, research, and communication skills, combining not only their academic accomplishments but also the attributes promoted by the International Baccalaureate. It is the first major milestone in a young learner’s journey to become an internationally minded inquirer.
Sophio Bazadze, The Academic Director of the European School Full Interview on TV PIRVELI
29 May 2018During the past 10 years the European School has had a rich history of growth and development. These past ten years reflect self-assertion, exploration and of course, success. The European School has obtained its dignified place not only in Georgia, but also within the international education community.
Celebrating Independence Day at the European School
28 May 2018A whole series of events designed to celebrate Independence Day of Georgia were planned at the European School on May 26, 2018. The day started with a flag-raising ceremony. The flag was designed and made by our students. The students were dressed in Georgian flag-themed t-shirts of their own design. The school played the anthem of Democratic Republic of Georgia during the flag-raising ceremony.