
Mystery reader in PYP G4 B

19 Mar 2018

A Guest Reader visited our PYP 4th grade classroom to share a very interesting story with the students. The identity of the reader was kept a secret up to the point where she entered the classroom on the scheduled day. The students were very surprised to see one of their classmate’s parents walking through the door and the child of the Mystery Reader could not believe her eyes when she saw her mom!

Literature Quiz at the European School

19 Mar 2018

Tekla Beradze, the European School teacher, organized a literature quiz for the 8B students at the school library. The quiz consisted of various fun activities. The students tested their knowledge on “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. They had already read the book during the summer vacation. S. Darchiashvili and G. Panjikidze emerged as overall winners. Every participant received memorable gifts. At the end, students and teachers watched some parts of the movie adaptation of “Wonder.”

“Developing Entrepreneurship in Tbilisi” Project

15 Mar 2018

The grade 9 Students of Georgian Program, together with their teachers, Maia Melikishvili and Nato Kibabidze, launched the integrated Civil Education and Mathematics project – “Developing Entrepreneurship in Tbilisi.” Within the frames of the project, students visited “Aversi” pharmaceutical company. On March 20 they will pay “PSP” pharmaceutical company a visit. Students are planning on meeting with the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and visiting various light and heavy industry companies.

Handmade Car Race at the European School

15 Mar 2018

On April 2, 2018, the European School is organizing a handmade car competition for students. Students will make moving vehicles from recycled and re-used materials. The competition aims at encouraging students to think creatively and innovatively, develop analyzing skills, etc.

Mtvarisa Buskivadze Receives "Language and Culture Scholarship"

14 Mar 2018

Mtvarisa Buskivadze, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages, received the "Language and Culture Scholarship" from Federal Ministry of Education, Science of Research of Austria. She will participate in a two-week qualification course focusing on the existing modern methods in foreign language learning and teaching and development of intercultural skills which are the key elements of successful intercultural relations.

New Stages of STEM Program Development at the European School

12 Mar 2018

The European School, together with the Future Laboratory company, is launching an innovative joint project to transform into the STEM school (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), develop relevant infrastructure to produce innovations and provide students with knowledge and skills that will ensure their competitiveness in the future.

PYP G1A trip to the Experimentorium, Scientific Museum

11 Mar 2018

PYP Grade 1A went on a field trip to the Experimentorium, the Scientific Museum for children. The museum is specifically tailored to encourage independent inquiry into scientific concepts; students had the chance to take a guided tour of the exhibits, as well as watch and take part in a scientific show/experiment. As they witnessed change of matter, the connection between force and speed, weight and acceleration, students were reminded of the concepts of connection and responsibility that have been at the core of their current unit of inquiry. Not only did they have the freedom to explore how various objects and elements are connected, but they also had the opportunity to learn how their actions affected the functioning of the exhibits. After the tour and the experiment, students were given time to explore the exhibits they were particularly curious about on their own and investigate together with their friends.

Professional Development Day at the European School

11 Mar 2018

Quality teaching is a number one priority at the European School. To help teachers hone their skills, improve practices and stay current with changes related to teaching and learning, the European School provides them with several professional development days throughout the academic year. The most recent PD took place on March 9, 2018. Teachers focused on improving their teaching methods and participated in relevant trainings: planning, implementing and evaluating teaching practices; tips on writing recommendation letters for students; developing entrepreneurship in primary school; using Khan Academy in the classroom, etc. Teachers, who have undergone CLIL training provided by the British Council, shared their experiences with the rest of their colleagues. All in all, the PD proved to be very productive as teachers focused on those changes that affect their work with students, explored new technologies, new ideas about teaching and learning and identified the school's needs.

Gifts for Moms

08 Mar 2018

Grade 3B students created unique Mother's Day gifts for March 3. They have been preparing for this day for quite some time now: at the Clay Hands art studio they have been making brooches and clay pots for their moms. Later on, with the help of the school gardener, they planted flowers in the pots and created beautiful flower arrangements for their moms.