
Fun Sports Games

01 Dec 2017

On December 1st, European Kindergarten held fun sports games: “Say goodbye to Autumn and welcome Winter.” All kindergarten classes and teachers participated in this event.

PYP Marathon and Olympic Games

01 Dec 2017

PYP grade 5 students are currently working on a unit about civilizations. One of the civilizations they studied were the Ancient Greeks. During this unit they participated in a marathon, as well as their own "Olympic Games" in the schools Gym where they competed in: shot put, long jump, "stade and diaulos"(ancient Greek running races). The winners received medals, certificates and Greek wreaths. All the students had a wonderful time and displayed excellent sportsmanship!

MYP Assembly

30 Nov 2017

The second MYP assembly was held on November 30th . The MCs of the event were Luka Kakachia(grade 9) and Sesili Chargeishvili(grade 6) . Several projects were presented at the assembly: "Six Steps to Success"; "Statistics about Developed and Undeveloped Countries”.

PYP 3 B Assembly

29 Nov 2017

PYP G 3 B students presented the unit “Architecture and Design” at the Assembly held on November 28th. All subjects were integrated, and children demonstrated their knowledge and understanding and mastery of skills.

Goodbye Autumn

28 Nov 2017

Autumn's coming to an end. Little cooks are making sweet and delicious "Churchkhela". The experience gave them confidence and enthusiasm in the kitchen. Children are preparing for the Winter.

Visit to Mtskheta

27 Nov 2017

On Thursday, November 16th, the PYP fifth grade classes went to the ancient city of Mtskheta as part of their Civilization unit. They toured the Samtavro Archaeological Site, which includes many uncovered houses and tombs.

PYP G 4 Visit to Gardenia

27 Nov 2017

Gardenia, is a beautiful place … It’s like a small preservation that helps plants and trees to grow in a normal and suitable atmosphere. We, grade 4 had a trip to see the stunning plants, trees and flowers. The colors were magical! The students had fun seeing that rare beauty and taking photos.

MYP students at the Zoo

27 Nov 2017

6 graders from MYP visited the Educational Center of Tbilisi Zoo on the 17th of November 2017. They were accompanied by their homeroom teacher Maia Kikvadze and teacher of Individuals and Societies Davit Sidamonidze.

Irma Barbakadze at College Board Forum

27 Nov 2017

Dr. Irma Barbakadze, Head of the American Education Department - European School is currently on a one-year visit to the United States after which she will be awarded an additional degree of secondary and higher education expert.