
Older People’s Day Celebration

24 Oct 2017

The European School students visited Varketili Day Care Center of Georgia Red Cross Society. Our students arranged a concert together with the day center beneficiaries. The event was quite emotional both for the students and the elders. 

Charity Campaign” We Support Peers”

20 Oct 2017

On October 17th, Elementary Level students from Georgian Program started the charity campaign -We Support Peers. They collected toys, stationary items, books and clothes for kids from mountainous regions of Georgia.

Visit to San Diego State University

20 Oct 2017

Within the Georgian Professors Training Program, the Head of Mathematics Department of the European School Petre Babilua visited San Diego State University.

Healthy Lifestyle

20 Oct 2017

In mid-October PYP G3 students had a trip to Turtle…

Visit of the University of Sheffield

19 Oct 2017

On October 18th, representatives of the University of Sheffield Marketing,…

International Karate Championship “OPEN TBILISI – 2017”

18 Oct 2017

500 participants from different countries competed to show their mastery at international karate championship - “OPEN TBILISI – 2017“, held on October 15th, 2017 at sports complex Arena-1.

Innovation 800

17 Oct 2017

As part of its commitment to supporting students and providing the leaders of tomorrow with guidance, Cambridge University Students' Union has issued the publication -"Innovation 800" - where the European School life is highlighted alongside the success stories of other educational institutions.

World Food Day Celebration

17 Oct 2017

On October 16, 2017 the European School students from MYP programme celebrated World Food Day. The event aimed to help students understand the importance of a well-balanced diet for good health. It is challenging eating right in our over-processed and fast food world. For this reason, we constantly encourage our students to choose fruits, vegetables and other healthy alternatives of Junk food.

Georgian School Administrators Conference

17 Oct 2017

On October 14th-15th, 2017 the European School Academic Director Sophia Bazadze attended Georgian School Administrators Conference: “School Director as an Educational Leader- Challenges of Policy Implementation” ,  conducted within the Democracy Supporting Program of the U.S. Embassy.