
Graduation Ceremony

03 Jun 2019

European School cordially invites you to the Graduation Ceremony at the Class at 2019 Thursday, June 6, 8.00pm

TEDx Event

31 May 2019

On May 31, the European School held its annual TEDx event. The theme of the event was Chain Reaction. Students from all three programmes presented talks from a wide range of subjects: children's rights, the importance of learning phycology course, making chess popular, environmental issues, animal rights, personal development and positive effects of entertaining activities. The speakers shared new ideas and ways of solving global problems. The ideas inspired the audience and sparked conversation. We hope, ideas presented at our TEDx event will be spread like a chain reaction not only inside the school community but in a broader community as well.

Flower Festival at the “European School“

31 May 2019

Flower Festival at the “European School“

Austrian Storyteller at the European School

31 May 2019

The famous Austrian storyteller Katarina Ritter visited the ES and met students who learn the German language. The students enjoyed listening to native German speaker and stories and legends presented by her.

The Ecology

29 May 2019

On May 27th children’s poet Mariam Tsiklauri paid a visit to the European School. She met students from PYP grade four and two and talked with them about their units of inquiry. Second graders read the poems written by Mariam and created posters about ecosystems. Fourth graders asked Mariam questions about ecology and wrote a poem. “If we pay attention and listen to the world, it will tell us what bothers it…” said Mariam. During the meeting with the famous poet, students realized that if we walk in the nature, see forests and rivers, listen to the birds and silence, we won’t throw any garbage on the ground; we won’t waste paper and won’t leave water taps open when we don’t need them; we will walk instead of using cars all the time. Together with the poet students wrote a poem using the words connected to their topic, ecology.

Story of Old Garden

29 May 2019

At the end of the academic year, within a transdisciplinary theme, Georgian Program students from grade 1b played a performance- Story of Old Garden. Invited parents and other family members enjoyed the children's songs, dances and the joyful way they shared the Story of Old Garden.

TEDx Event

28 May 2019

Friday, May 31 13:00 pm European School - Main Hall


27 May 2019

International Children Film Festival 29, 30, 31 May - 1 June

Drama Performance Premiere in Baku

27 May 2019

In May 18-20, the MYP students travelled to Baku and held the premiere performance -Place for Two at the British School and Donya IB School. The ES students and the students from Baku exchanged memorable presents as symbols of gratitude and cultural exchange. On the day of departure the ES students sent the letters of appreciation to the hosting schools. The students' efforts were reawarded-the premiere had a success in Baku and all the students returned happy and excited to Tbilisi.