
Awarding of Certificates

22 Apr 2019

Certificates of participation were awarded to the European School students who recently returned from Brussels after an official visit to the European Parliament, European Commission and other EU institutions. After signing the memorandum, the European School received a letter of recognition from the European Parliament, showing readiness to support ES students’ participation in cultural and educational exchange programs. After the awarding ceremony, presentations on various interesting topics, made by the awarded students in Brussels, were shown to the ES students’ body.

PYP library assistant

22 Apr 2019

Merab Dzuliashvili, PYP 4a student became the PYP library assistant for one day. At that particular day, students worked on presentations about their transdisciplinary themes (grade 4 - How the World Works and grade 5 - Sharing the Planet). They were asked to cite the resources used while researching the topic. Together with Nino Ramishvili, the PYP librarian, Merab explained what is academic honesty, what is plagiarizing and reminded students how to cite resources. Students made another step to digital citizenship through this activity. “It was a really interesting experience, but it was hard helping 5th graders, and I really liked it”, - Merab Dzuliashvili.

Students in Mtatsminda Pantheon

22 Apr 2019

PYP students spent two weeks on Mother Language project. Within the project, they worked in pairs and groups, searched the biographic information about Georgian writers, prepared presentations, learned poems and mastered in the art of reading aloud poetry.  On April 16, the students visited the Mtatsminda Pantheon of Writers and Public Figures, where the children paid respect to their ancestors, put flowers on their graves, recited poems and finally visited Mama Daviti Church. 

National Gallery

22 Apr 2019

On April 16, within the transdisciplinary theme “New and Old Tbilisi”, Georgian Program students from grade 4 visited Dimitri Shevardnadze National Gallery. The students were introduced to an exposition of Georgian artists, old Tbilisi landscapes and paintings by Giorgio de Chirico. The tour to the gallery was impressive and memorable for the students.

One Day in Museum

22 Apr 2019

On April 16, Georgian Program students from grade 2a visited Art Palace of Georgia. Children discovered the history of how was the museum founded. They had an interesting journey in the past while passing 7 halls with exceptional exhibits. The students also got informed about Easter traditions in Georgia and other countries. Finally, kids made an Easter goat.

Adolescent Physiological and Anatomical Development

22 Apr 2019

Tamuna Gogoladze- Medical Doctor, Gynecologist, and Reproductologyst at Zhordania Clinic met the European School students. The doctor discussed the complex physiological and physical changes that are taking place within the human body during adolescence. The students received very useful, clear and detailed answers on questions related to adolescent development.

School Sports Olympiad

22 Apr 2019

The European School basketball team successfully started participation at School Sports Olympiad 2019. Together with school teams from Tbilisi and other regions of Georgia they compete in Basketball 3X3.

International Robot Competition

22 Apr 2019

On April 9-12, 11 students from the ES took part in 13th International Robot Competition held in Samsun, Turkey. Our team, mentored by teachers Davit Nozadze and Lasha Getsadze, successfully participated together with 5000 students from 33 different countries. They were introduced to high-technology products, gained experience and made new friends. In the end, the ES students visited the famous places and museums of Samsun city.

Georgian Language Day

16 Apr 2019

Georgian Language teachers Lika Vekua and Eka Berdzenishvili presented a new book “33 Emotions” to 2nd-3rd graders at the library. The students learned about the diversity of letterforms, letter shapes, and alphabets. They also read quotes from famous authors about the Georgian alphabet.