
Debates on George Orwell “Animal Farm” and Totalitarianism
01 Feb 2019On January 31, Georgian Program students from grades 7-8 debated on George Orwell “Animal Farm” and Totalitarianism. They discussed important topics as violence, ideology and repressions, power and illusion of happy life. Debates were moderated by Keti Gotoshia, Temo Tvauri, Giga Kikalashvili and Taso Gobianidze. At the end of the debates, the students expressed their wish to hold similar meetings more frequently and discuss various topics.

Lecture on“The Knight in the Panther Skin”
01 Feb 2019On January 31, AHS grade10 students attended a literary evening held at the Thinking Academy where TSU professor Zurab Kiknadze delivered a lecture on “The Knight in the Panther Skin” and discussed a topic -“Two kingdoms of the Knight in the Panther Skin and the end of the story”. It was very interesting for 10 graders to meet the professor as they have just started learning the poem of Shota Rustaveli in the second semester. At the end of the lecture, the speaker answered students’ questions. The students expressed their wish to attend other evenings of “The Knight in the Panther Skin” literary cycle as well.

Presentation of AHS Student Projects
01 Feb 2019On January 28-29, the annual presentation of American High School student projects was held. Various interesting and important topics were discussed by 11 graders: “Helping Coma Patients in Georgia” “How to Make Handicapped People Valuable Members of the Society?”, “World Politics and Natural Resources” “Prejudice and Discrimination”, “Opportunity Cost of AP”, “Nanosatellites -CubeStas” and etc. The school community and specially invited guests attended this event: English Language Programs Coordinator Lika Gumberidze, British Council Teaching Centre Manager Stephen Shelley, Cultural Affairs Officer Julius N. Tsai, Cultural Programs Coordinator Daniela Tran.

Scholarship Awarding at the ES
31 Jan 2019On Monday, January 28, after considering academic results of the first semester, “The European School Full Bright Scholarship” was awarded to 18 students from Georgian Program. With this competitive scholarship established by “David Bezhuashvili Education Foundation” the school recognized the following academically exceptional students with an excellent character as demonstrated through their academic achievement, activities, and community service: Gobianidze Mariam(G8b), Shengelia Mariam(G8b), Shushania Aleksander (G8a), Iakobidze Ana- Maria (G9a), Diasamidze Ana (G9a), Shoshiashvili Nugzar (G9a), Darchiashvili Sopho (G9b), Kubaneishvili Tornike (G10), Zedgenidze Salome (G10), Jokhadze Elene (G10), Phanjakidze Elene (G10), Akhalaia Ana (G11), Dagargulia Nani (G 11), Gordadze Nino (G 12), Leluashvili Luka (G12), Shubladze Nino (G12), Saakadze Elisabeth (G12), Kiladze Khatia (G12).

Greening the Environment
29 Jan 2019Raising responsible global citizens is one of the missions of the European School. Our students explore global issues from early childhood. On January 23, during the homeroom class, G1g students learned about air pollution and effects of greening the environment. They engaged in problem solving and took action to improve the environment. After the lesson, students visited the school green house, planted different plants and learned how to take care of pot plants.

All about the Flu and How to Prevent It
23 Jan 2019A large number of cases of influenza have been reported in the last couple of weeks in Georgia. Seasonal flu is contagious and spreads easily, especially among children. The European school doctor takes the necessary precautions to prevent the flu from circulating at the school. She explains important steps to take to stay healthy and keep others from getting the virus.

Secret Santa
12 Jan 2019The European School Secret Santa gift exchange party was arranged on December 28th. ES staff members received the specially designed presents from the school administration and later attended the present receiving event in the Main Hall. After the gifts have been handed out and opened the recipients guessed who their Secret Santa was. Secret Santa became a fun and entertaining way to get in the Christmas spirit and get to know each other better.

Alumni Homecoming
12 Jan 2019The European School organized an Annual Alumni Homecoming on December 29. The reunion gave our alumni an opportunity to join the charity campaign of Georgia Red Cross Society “Give Warmth”. Irakli Kikoria and Nanuka Goguadze-former and future presidents of the Alumni Association hosted the event. They summed up activities of past years and shared future plans with the school community. Despite the cold weather, acts of kindness, hot chocolate, students’ performances, New Year’s fireworks, happiness in the eyes of the disabled members of the Paraorchestra, and the involvement of the European School Alumni association along with the rest of the community who brought enthusiasm and love made the day even more special.

Christmas Gifts for the Children at Iashvili Hospital
30 Dec 2018Before the holidays started, PYP kids, parents and teachers donated to the charity action organized by the PYP. We prepared packs of presents with candies, stationery and clothes. Our charity team went to the Iashvili Children's Central Hospital with all of the gifts and gifted them to the kids with leukemia. They were happy and sent big thanks to the European School students. Together we create our future full of joy and love!