
Valentine’s Day
17 Feb 2019On February 14, Valentine’s Day spirit warmed the European School, made everyone smile and brought people together to read love poems, sing love songs, dance the most romantic dance- waltz. Flowers, Valentine cards, candies, heart shaped balloons-all red and pink transformed the school into a magic place where cupids welcomed everyone with love arrows.

PYP Exhibition- Parent Orientation Session
14 Feb 2019On February 11, PYP Exhibition parent orientation session was held for all Grade 5 parents. The main goal of the meeting was to inform parents about the details of PYP Exhibition and discuss with them parents’ roles and responsibilities in students’ projects. The Exhibition is the culmination of the Primary Years Programme. Students synthesize the essential elements of the PYP and share them with the whole school community. It is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the IB Learner Profile that they have developed throughout years passed in the program. Students are given flexibility in their choice of real-life issues or problems to be explored and investigated. They explore the local and global issues, act to solve it and then prepare a presentation for the community to view.

Presentation of Georgian Program Student Projects
12 Feb 2019Student Projects presentation was held at the Georgian Program of the European School. History teacher -Marine Melikidze’s students from grade 6 presented their individual and group, 2-month projects to the teachers and parents. Themes of the projects were selected by students according to their interests: Calendar of my class; Are computer games good or bad?; My family history; Books yesterday, today, tomorrow; Me and my body; Korean culture; Healthy lifestyle; Don’t litter!; Western Georgian national cloths; Tour to Kakheti; My Megrelia. The projects presentation was held at the school library and was attended by coordinator Inga Toloraia and invited teachers: Maia Melikishvili, Maia Tsenguashvili.

11 Feb 2019European School announces annual competition "ES STEAM CHALLENGE", which can be attended by both teachers and students. Interesting prizes will be awarded to winners, there also will be revealed the STEAM Teacher of the Year.

Introduction to Bacteria
09 Feb 2019On February 7, during the homeroom class and the following Russian language lesson, grade 3b homeroom teacher Marika Mchedlidze introduced a new topic- Bacteria. Later, the theme was summarized in Biology Lab together with colleagues Manana Jhamurashvili and Asmat Akhvlediani. During the lesson, teachers showed a video about bacteria, conducted different activities, and provided insight into the functions of helpful and harmful microbes. They informed students about the importance of hygiene measures in avoiding bacterial diseases. In the end, kids examined bacteria through microscopes.

Parent – Teacher Conferences
04 Feb 2019The focus of the Parent – Teacher Conferences on 31 January was mainly made on discussing with parents students’ progress in the first semester. The conference was organized in the school main hall. The format of the conference allowed all PYP teachers and parents to meet and discuss the achievements of the students from grades 1-5. At the meeting following teachers were available: homeroom teachers; single subject teachers of ART, Music, Physical Education, ICT, Georgian language, French, Russian, German; speech therapists.

New Programs at Einstein School
04 Feb 2019Einstein School, opened last year by Kant’s Academy, started the new season with interesting news and new modules. This year, in partnership with “Future laboratory” and the European School, Einstein School offers programs based on innovations to students aged 8-12 years. Within the program children will be given an opportunity to learn future professions, like: creating digital products and algorithms, basics of programming and digital logic, 3D modeling, 3D printing, programming robots and etc.

World Read Aloud Day
01 Feb 2019Georgia has celebrated World Read Aloud Day already fourth time this year, so did the European School. AHS students read their favorite parts of the books to each other. During the whole day different aloud readers were interchanging at the school library. Teenagers tried to share their thoughts and emotions received from the books of the favorite authors. The day motivated our students to celebrate the power of words and creates a community of readers.

My Body
01 Feb 2019On January 31st, a presentation on the topic "My Body" was held at the European Kindergarten. Children exposed thematic crafts and engaged invited parents in various interesting activities.