
Khan Academy
07 Mar 2019On March1, two educational websites- Khan Academy ( and ( were presented to the European School students. These sites are useful resources both for students and teachers as well.

Mother’s Day
07 Mar 2019The ES students from grade1 celebrated the arrival of spring and Mother’s day on March 1st . Kids sang songs, danced and shared Mother quotes with their moms to make them feel special.

Football championship TIFA Cup
07 Mar 2019On March 1-3, QSI Tbilisi organized a football championship TIFA Cup. The European School team consisting of students from Georgian Program and PYP became a first place winner at a group stage of the championship.

Training on Basics of Positive Communication
01 Mar 2019On February 23, the European Kindergarten teachers attended training-Basics of Positive Communication. The main objective of the training was developing effective communication skills of participants.

Visit to Occupation Line
01 Mar 2019The European School students together with the Director of National Library Giorgi Kekeklidze visited students from the villages adjacent to the occupation line: Mereti and Koshki. The ES students arranged a charity market few weeks ago. Money collected from selling handcrafts and cakes was spent on purchasing computers and books for children from the border neighboring villages visited yesterday.

PYP Parent Educational Workshop
28 Feb 2019The PYP parent educational workshop took place on of February 25th, 2019. The aim of the workshop was to enhance parental involvement at the school life and increase their understanding of IB PYP teaching and learning process. The workshop was organized into five different stations lead by PYP teachers and the PYP Coordinator. The first station focused on “International Mindedness”- here parents had a chance to see the central role of the learner in PYP interpretation of international mindedness. The second station presented the idea of a “Concept-Based Curriculum” – here PYP key concepts were presented as integral parts of the learning process, which help to drive teacher and student inquiries, which lie at the heart of the PYP curriculum. At the next station- “Approaches to Teaching and Learning”, parents had an opportunity to see how transdisciplinary skills are used in action. The “Inquiry” station took visitors through the steps of the inquiry cycle, which is used by students and teachers throughout each six-week unit of inquiry. PYP guiding documents were also available at the workshop, and parents had the opportunity to ask the PYP coordinator questions regarding the policies, the Student-Parent Handbook, and other school documents of interest.

International Family Day
28 Feb 2019On February 27, students from primary school celebrated the International Family Day. During the first period parents and grandparents generously shared their experiences with children. Later, the photo session was arranged for families at the specially designed banner. The event ended with a friendly football match between fathers.

Open Door Day at the ,,European School”
27 Feb 2019Admissions at the European School are open for the 2018-2019 academic year in the following programs: ● Georgian Program Grades 1-12 ● International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes Primary Years Programme (PYP); Grades 1-5 Middle Years Programme (MYP); Grades 6-10 Diploma Programme (DP); Grades 11-12 ● American High School (AHS); Grades 8-12 ● European Kindergarten. Parents are invited to attend an open house on March 29, 2019, at 3 p.m.

International Mother Language Day Celebration
24 Feb 2019The European School celebrated International Mother Language Day on February 21st. Different activities were planned throughout the day to give an opportunity to culturally and linguistically diverse ES community to promote different languages and cultures: lecture on the importance of mother tongue by Giorgi Kekelidze, presentations, language corners, 15-minute language courses promoted awareness of languages, fostered tolerance and respect for others.