
Visit to the Dog Shelter

18 Nov 2018

On Saturday, November 17, our 10th graders from the MYP Programme visited Tamaz Elizbarashvili Dog Shelter. Students said hello to the shelter dwellers and donated food for the animals.

Field Trip to Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts

16 Nov 2018

American High School students of 9th grade visited Georgian National Centre of Manuscript, where an exposition dedicated to King Erekle II was opened on November 16. Certificates, manuscripts and other types of documents from that period were presented at the exhibition. Beside new exposition, students also visited the permanent exhibition, which showcases the oldest manuscripts. Students had a lecture about Georgian printed works and saw first Georgian prints (Italian-Georgian dictionary, The knight in the panther skin, etc.).

Festival "Golden Fleece"

16 Nov 2018

On November 15, European School participated in the cultural festival "Golden Fleece", dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. Within the festival, students from Grade 3A performed a drama act "Apple of Discord", which was based on the well-known Greek Myth. "Golden Fleece" was held with the support of the Embassy of Greece in Georgia, National Archives of Georgia and Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

Inventor of the first 3D Printed Qvevri at our FabLab

15 Nov 2018

The European School FabLab hosted its first FAB-X Talk with the invited guest David Mizandari, co-founder of the project Qvevri XYZ. Qvevri XYZ is first ever 3D printed Qvevri. Having combined elements of the traditional Qvevri making process and modern technologies, David and his Team improved its structure and quality, yet kept all the unique characteristics. At the event, David Mizandari shared how they turned the original idea into this invention and discussed the principles of creating a 3D printed clay pitcher.

The workshop on Human Rights

13 Nov 2018

On Tuesday, November 13, Human Rights Youth Center conducted a workshop for our pupils on "Introduction of International and European Human rights". The workshop was led by Charlotte Wasseran, an invited trainer from Germany. Human Rights Youth Center, which is based on the NGO MGSDV - Youth for Democracy, will continue similar workshops about human rights on a regular basis for the European School students.

Project "Home" involving PYP 5th Graders

12 Nov 2018

Pupils from our IB Programme grade 5A participated in the project "Home". The goal of the project was to help the students understand that theatre is the art of telling stories through acting and aimed to show them how acting skills connect actors with the audience. The project consisted of two parts. The first part was debating and the second one was an acting performance. In the first part, children expressed their ideas about the differences between home and house, debated about what makes a good home and discussed words and proverbs derived from the word – “home”. The second part was a performance of the fable “home”, in which students played different characters. All the pupils enjoyed acting in the performance.

MYP November Assembly

12 Nov 2018

On Monday, November 12, MYP November assembly was held. The event included students from grades 9 and 10 performing a drama act based on "Little Long-Nose" by the German novelist Wilhelm Hauff. Afterward, a summary was presented of all the programmables MYP has been conducting during the previous month. Assembly involved the presence of all MYP students, teachers and Academic Director of the European School, Ms. Sophio Bazadze.

Learning New Techniques for Managing Behaviour Problems

11 Nov 2018

On November 9-10, our kindergarten teachers participated in the training, which aimed to help them effectively manage behavior problems in their little pupils. They learned a set of practices and strategies, on one hand, to prevent and effectively manage inappropriate behavior and, on the other hand, to create and maintain an environment that promotes both teaching and learning.

Chocolate Making Masterclass at "Chocolaterie Artisan"

10 Nov 2018

On Saturday, November 10, our Grade 1B students from the Georgian Program attended a masterclass at Chocolaterie Artisan. Children inquired into information about the history of chocolate creation and learned more about different types of chocolates. They watched how the professional chocolatier melted, molded and stuffed chocolate with various fillings. In the end, students ate freshly made candies, handcrafted in front of them and drank hot chocolate. Our first graders enjoyed the time spent at Chocolaterie and went home loaded with excitement and delicious sweets.