Duke University at the European School
On the first day of school, we were honored to host representatives of Duke University. Anne Sjostrom, associate dean of the Duke undergraduate admissions and Jennifer Bailey, from Duke Kunshan University, paid a visit to the European School.
European School graduate gave them a school tour and showed them around the newly opened FabLab, an innovative laboratory which aims to provide hands-on STEM education even in the early school years.
Afterward, our guests delivered a presentation to the students of the European School. They discussed Duke University’s rich history, culture, and achievements in research. According to the US News rankings, Duke University is ranked #8th among US universities. As future applicants, ES students were given practical tips on meeting selection criteria and becoming worthy candidates among thousands of international applicants. After such informative sessions and visits, our students become better-equipped in to compete for places at top universities around the world.