
PYP Parent – Teacher Conferences

05 Feb 2020

We would like to congratulate all pyp community members with the successful PYP Parent – Teacher Conferences. The focus of the Parent – Teacher Conferences was mainly based on discussing students’ end of Semester 1 Report progress with the parents. The format of the conference allowed all PYP teachers and parents to meet and to discuss the progress and achievement of the child. At the meeting following teachers were available: homeroom teachers; single subject teachers of ART, ICT, Georgian language, French, Russian, German; support learning teachers.

Read Aloud, Change the World!

04 Feb 2020

World Read Aloud Day is a popular and special day of reading celebrated in over 100 countries. Read Aloud, Change the World -this is a motto of the ES event aiming to become part of this global literacy movement. The ES students read aloud in Georgian and in English masterpieces of Children’s literature as well as their own poetry and prose works.

Quality of Education and the European School

04 Feb 2020

The ES was visited by Kakha Eradze-the Director of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and the delegation from the Centre. The guests had a working meeting with the school director and the Head of IB Programmes. They discussed the quality of education, CIS standards at the ES and specifics of IB programmes. The representatives of the Centre had a tour around the school, its laboratories, FabLab, Mac Room, met students and received information about innovative projects.

MYP assembly

28 Jan 2020

On 28th of January second MYP assembly was held. On the assembly MYP and MYP SA coordinators talked about the updates related to teaching processes and discussed future plans. MYP students also listened to a short speech about raising motivation and its importance. Moreover, 8 grader students from individuals and society presented project about the topic of pollution. MYP trophy was given to 8 grader Niko Gersamia, for the participation in the above-mentioned project.

PYP Assembly

28 Jan 2020

By tradition, the beginning of the second semester was celebrated with PYP Assembly. The idea was to share common goals and semester activities. Students were introduced to all activities, which are planned and were asked to be an active part of it. PYP strives to support student agency, one of the Grade 5 students Timuchin Gumushoglu introduced his initiated ART club to all PYP students. Now any PYP student can participate to Timuchin's class.

Alumni Reunion

28 Dec 2019

On December 27, the European School hosted Alumni Homecoming event. This year, in addition to the traditional activities, alumni representatives had an informative discussion with students and motivated them with their expertise. Students were enthusiastic to see and know many more things about these eminent alumni and questioned them about their secrets of a bright future. Alumni after sharing their experiences assured all kinds of help, support, and cooperation for the betterment of the students and institute as a whole. Later in the evening, the school held Welcome Back Party in a beautiful setting where everybody greeted alumni with friendly smiles. Alumni received warm welcomes from the administrators and the faculty. Connecting with former classmates, homeroom teachers, sharing beautiful memories from the school period made it a night to remember.

Secret Santa

27 Dec 2019

The European School Secret Santa gift exchange party was arranged on December 27th. ES staffs received the specially designed presents from the school administration and later attended the present receiving event in the Main Hall. After the gifts have been handed out and opened the recipients guessed who their Secret Santa was. Secret Santa became a fun and entertaining way to get in the Christmas spirit and get to know each other better.

Meeting with MYP Parents

27 Dec 2019

MYP organized a guidance session on Assessment to MYP parents The aim of the session was to identify the importance of assessment in MYP and how it links to the subjects’ objectives, to outline the difference between Diagnostic, Formative and Summative assessment types, to discuss internal standardization, grading and reporting and to know different criteria for each subject group. The session went in a very calm atmosphere and turned out to be very informative and useful for the parents. MYP coordinator is planning to organize more sessions according to parents' needs.

MYP Assembly and Christmas event

25 Dec 2019

On 25 th of December final MYP Assembly and Christmas events were held. MYP students have revealed singing, dancing and piano playing talents. Moreover, MYP trophy was given to VI graders who decorated their classrooms in the most cheerful way. MYP department wishes happy new year and merry Christmas to European School students.