
Graduates of the Year 2020

09 Jul 2020

This year the Graduation Ceremony at the European School was held considering the current regulations and following safety measures. Diplomas were awarded to the Class of 2020 of the Georgian Program, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, and the American High School. The Georgian Program Director Sophio Bazadze, the Head of IB Programmes Dr. Brice Bommo and the Director of AHS Irma Barbakadze congratulated the graduates.

PYP Graduation 2020

04 Jul 2020

On the 19th of June PYP held online graduation ceremony for grade 5 students. Whole PYP community, including IB head, administration, teachers and parents came together to celebrate this event. In the beginning of the ceremony students were addressed by Dr Brice Bomo and Mrs. Marina Chelidze, who congratulated students on successful completion of PYP. Homeroom teachers also thanked students for their hard work and dedication. After students were awarded with certificates and watched slide show of their photos taken during the learning process. At the end of the ceremony students delivered speech and summarized their experience in PYP and thanked their teachers and administration. This was truly an emotional moment in the life of PYP community. We wish our students success in all their new beginnings!"

Experiences and Expertise from Across the World

28 Jun 2020

The success of the European School is determined to a large extent by the effectiveness of its teachers and leaders. The school uses experiences and expertise from across the world. Educators from many different cultures play a critical role in the development of our IB programmes. The international faculty continues to grow at the ES. From the new academic year, several experienced and expert leaders and educators will join our team. They all demonstrate important pedagogical attributes, qualifications, perspectives, and practices of excellent teaching. Our new colleagues have been successfully delivering IB programmes and taking a number of leadership roles in various IB world schools.

Microsoft has Awarded Certificates to the European School Team

28 Jun 2020

The European School team presenting Georgia, together with teams from six different countries, took part in an international open lesson “Crossing the borders with Microsoft Teams!” conducted by Microsoft company. The special certificates were awarded to the European School, the teachers: Shorena Abesdaze and Guranda Gogaladze and the students: Niaz Mahdavi, Mishiko Gabaidze, Nini Gabaidze, Ana-maria Iakobidze, Ana Diasamidze, Nugzar Shoshiashvil, Anastasia Gobianidze, and Mariam Jakhua.

Thank you teacher

23 Jun 2020

At the end of the semester, after completing the online learning program successfully, the European School students wrote Thank You Letters to their teachers and expressed love and gratitude in this way.

Sharing the planet

17 Jun 2020

After completion of their inquiry into the last unit this year "Sharing the planet", Grade 3A PYP students took action and expressed their understanding of the unit by artistically creating their messages in the form of a poem. Besides showing their comprehension of the topic in their written work, the third graders also presented their understanding of the various types of poems while choosing the one that would contain their thoughts in the best possible way. This work showed that 3A PYP students understand what it means to be a global citizen by trying to make an impact on various global disasters using the magic of their words.

Online PYP Exhibition 2019 – 2020

09 Jun 2020

Students celebrated the power of their learning on May 28. PYP exhibition for grade 5 was held online. This is a culmination of the IB Primary Years Programme. Grade 5 students were dived into 6 project-based work to cover the unit “Sharing the Planet”. The research topic was: Intolerance, Conflicts and Resolution, Languages, Pollution, Technological Innovations and Healthy Lifestyle. Students connected concepts to the lines of inquiry and wrote down key questions that they would try to answer during their research. After gathering all the necessary information and doing interviews, survey and action, students started working on their final presentation. They used, Sway and Power Point Presentations to organize their findings. At the most important academic event of the PYP, the students showcased spectacular presentations. #PYPX2020

Personal Project Exhibition

03 Jun 2020

May 29th saw the culmination of all the hard work put in by Year 10 MYP students with their Personal Projects Exhibition. Once again, we saw an amazing array of varying ideas that have been generated almost nine months of work. Projects ranged from educational resources, computer games and applications, Neurobiological projects, startups, online shops, travel guides, tours, photo albums, and many more.

The European School –Participant of Microsoft Teams Live Event

28 May 2020

International Open Lesson “Crossing the borders with Microsoft Teams!” The European School-leading school in online teaching is a partner of Microsoft Company and therefore has access to the latest software, services, and platforms.