
Math Day Assembly

27 Mar 2023

The PYP celebrated the international day of mathematics. The aim of the celebration was to encourage creativity and make connections between mathematics and real-world concepts and ideas. During the assembly, students had the opportunity to explain and celebrate the role that mathematics plays in life. 

Spanish Event at the European school

26 Mar 2023

On March 17th, the European School Diploma Program hosted Spanish Event. Attendees enjoyed the journey to the Hispanic World: student presentations, Spanish romantic songs, dances, and motivational speeches of official guests: Marcos Granados Gomez, Charge’ d’Affaires at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain to Georgia, and Adrian Lopez, CEO at Your Business in Georgia. February and March are CARNIVAL months, so the winners of the "Carnival Masks Competition" were also announced at the event.

Robotics Competition

15 Mar 2023

The European School held a Robotics Competition designed to teach grade 3-4 students coding with the Botley   robot.  Teams containing three students each were challenged to create an algorithm, reach the ending point by selecting the shortest path, navigating Botley to perform a series of movement tasks, including turning and line following. The students had a lot of fun trying to get Botley to complete the challenge.  The competition was a challenge and entertaining learning opportunity at the same time.

Spanish workshop at BCN Hispañia with DP/CP students

28 Feb 2023

On FEB the 24th our DP/CP students had a Spanish workshop at BCN Hispañia with their Spanish teacher, Tamara Guliashvili. Before the workshop, they had already studied Spanish culture and cusine related topics and prepared typical Spanish food for class presentations. As a culmination, they visited the Spanish restaurant in the heart of Tbilisi, BCN Hispañia and tasted typical Spanish food in a friendly and cosy atmosphere.

Meeting the founder of social enterprise TENE.

28 Feb 2023

On 23rd of February IB DP hosted the successful entrepreneur and the founder of the social enterprise TENE,  Mr.Sandro Liluashvili. Through interactive communication and presentation,  the guest speaker managed to help students deepen their knowledge in terms of key success and failure factors of startups and how social responsibility can be transformed into a competitive advantage. The discussions covered how students can contribute to the development of social enterprises as well. Developing social responsibility represents one of the main goals of IB DP.

Grade 5 Art Exhibition

28 Feb 2023

Grade 5's current unit of inquiry falls under the transdisciplinary theme of 'Sharing the Planet'.  In this unit, students are learning about the causes and effects of global conflicts on people and the environment. Students watched an animated Japanese movie “The Grave of the Fireflies” that tells the story of two siblings and war orphans, and their desperate struggle to survive during the final months of the Second World War. After watching the movie, students reflected by creating a series of paintings under the title ‘War and Children’. Through their paintings, they expressed how global conflicts affect our planet, especially children. They were reflective and caring. Students’ paintings were exhibited in the hall for all school community members.

International Mother Language Day

23 Feb 2023

To mark International Mother Language Day on February 21st, the European School hosted various events.  MYP students met the Famous author Nodar Dumbadze’s daughter and learned unknown details about his books. PYP students, inspired by Lela Tsutskiridze’s book Alphabet Angels, created their alphabet letters.    To promote linguistic and cultural diversity as well as multilingualism, MYP students held an assembly where they expressed deserved respect to mother tongues in seven different languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Ukrainian and made the day memorable.

Felt Workshop

20 Feb 2023

There was a huge stirring in PYP under the Third Graders! We had a  Masterclass on our calendar with Ms. Nino Kurashvili! In our Unit: "How we express ourselves" we explored many avenues: sign language, braille, Codes, and of course, hobbies. The emphasis was on the power of having a hobby and how it benefits a child's well-being. Ms. Nino entered our class with huge baskets full of these cotton candy-looking, colorful and soft felt. The felt was locally made by hand. Each student received a sponge to work on, a needle, and a square of felt. We were going to make brooches!! Colorful colors were handed out. Ms. Nino demonstrated the steps and each student started needling the colors onto the felt. Once a student was done, Ms. Nino added the pin with hot glue on the back! Our students proudly wore their own, hand-created brooch! What a fun and relaxing experience! 

Turkey-Syria Earthquake

15 Feb 2023

In the last few days, the ES community launched a collection drive to help people affected by the massive earthquake along the Turkey and Syria border. A call out for priority items has led to donations of warm clothing along with sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets. Essentials such as baby food, diapers, and sanitary products have also been received. Transportation of humanitarian aid was ensured by the Turkish Embassy.