
Day of Mother Language

18 Apr 2022

On April 14th, the European School celebrated the Day of Mother Language (Deda Ena). For the Georgian nation, there is a fundamental bond between the mother language, independence, a sense of identity, and ethnic consciousness.

Mariam Natroshvili - from European School to University of Pennsylvania

13 Apr 2022

Great News from the European School’s University and Career Counseling Office! The European School is celebrating another successful application season. Our graduates are once again admitted to leading colleges and universities abroad.

Nika Bezhuashvili - From European School to Columbia University

12 Apr 2022

Great News from the European School’s University Counseling Office! The European School is celebrating another successful application season. Our graduates are once again admitted to leading universities abroad.

Stand With Ukraine

10 Apr 2022

The European School Student Parliament, in moments of danger and grief for the Ukrainian people, plays an active role in expressing solidarity. To provide help and support to Ukrainians, students collected humanitarian aid: food, hygiene items, medical kits, and supplies that are most needed in Ukraine. Thanks to the Georgia Red Cross Society and Meama company, these supplies will be delivered to Ukraine.

Women's History Month 2022 at AHS

07 Apr 2022

On March 29, 2022, in the framework of the Women's History Month, American High School 10th grade students held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Women in World History". Under the mentorship of Mariam Khataishvili, PhD, AHS student engagement coordinator and ES social science teacher, students conducted research and delivered presentations on the women's issues in world history. Discussion topics included but were not limited to the "Female pioneers in STEM in the late 18th-19th century in the United States and Europe: Risks of social hierarchies and achievements", "How Angela Merkel changed Germany?", "Role of Hillary Clinton in women's empowerment", "Fashion as a way of self-expression: Comparative Analysis of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Madeleine Albright", "Australia's first ever female member of parliament and a women's rights activist, Edith Cowan", "Eleanor Roosevelt’s path to success", "Florence Nightingale’s fight In becoming a nurse", "588th Night Bomber Regiment’s effects on changing gender roles regarding the military in post soviet countries", "Leadership style of female leaders: Hatshepsut, Tamar the King, Angela Merkel", "Sojourner Truth and Rosa Parks: Influential tactics to impact women’s rights in 19th and 20th century America".

AUBG Senior Admissions Counselor and Recruitment Coordinator at AHS

07 Apr 2022

On April 4, 2022, American High School hosted Maria Petrova, Senior Admissions Counselor and Recruitment Coordinator of American University in Bulgaria (AUBG). The guest talked about AUBG, its application procedure and life on campus. The meeting was ended with Q&A session that guided American High School students through the entire application process.

U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan in the European school

03 Apr 2022

On Thursday, March 31st, the American High School hosted an event marking 30 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Georgia with visiting honorable guests: U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan and the Attaché for Culture and Education Mr. Christopher Anderson.

Teacher-student international online conference

13 Mar 2022

On May 26th, 2022, American High School – European School will host a teacher-student international online conference – “Georgia and the World”. The conference aims to bring together new research projects about the cultural, historical, and social exchange between Georgia and the rest of the world.

Black History Month 2022 at AHS

24 Feb 2022

In the United States February is Black History Month. To celebrate this, in the framework of the U.S. History class (Teacher: Mariam Khatiashvili, PhD) the AHS 12th grade students reflected on the contributions of famous African-American individuals to the U.S. society and culture. Students analyzed Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, Malcolm X “The Ballot or the Bullet” speech, Jesse Jackson’s 1988 democratic national convention address, Shirley Anita Chisholm’s speech for the equal rights amendment and Barbara Charline Jordan’s 1976 democratic national Convention keynote address according to the Monroe’s motivated sequence. Using Monroe's motivated sequence, a five-step progressive method of persuasion, students made presentations to discuss how these speeches are organized and inspire people to take action.