
Trip to Egypt

28 Jan 2020

The twelfth graders of American High School spent their 2020 Winter Holidays in warm Egypt. During the week-long tour, they got partially acquainted with Egyptian culture and took part in various activities and games. The excursion was organized by the Dean of American High School, Natia Tevzadze. The students returned to their homeland on 14 th of January and continued learning with replenished energy.

Alumni Reunion

28 Dec 2019

On December 27, the European School hosted Alumni Homecoming event. This year, in addition to the traditional activities, alumni representatives had an informative discussion with students and motivated them with their expertise. Students were enthusiastic to see and know many more things about these eminent alumni and questioned them about their secrets of a bright future. Alumni after sharing their experiences assured all kinds of help, support, and cooperation for the betterment of the students and institute as a whole. Later in the evening, the school held Welcome Back Party in a beautiful setting where everybody greeted alumni with friendly smiles. Alumni received warm welcomes from the administrators and the faculty. Connecting with former classmates, homeroom teachers, sharing beautiful memories from the school period made it a night to remember.

AHS student final works

27 Dec 2019

On December 23, 12th graders of American High School presented final works about the William Shakespeare tragedy "Hamlet". They discussed the play from different angles, emphasized the role of women in the play, talked about the characters internal and external conflicts and drew parallels with past works. The exam had the look of a presentation. The presentations were attended by Mrs. Irma Barbakadze, Director of the American School, Ms. Natia Tevzadze, Academic Dean of the same School, and Bryce Bomo, Head of International Baccalaureate Programmes.

Secret Santa

27 Dec 2019

The European School Secret Santa gift exchange party was arranged on December 27th. ES staffs received the specially designed presents from the school administration and later attended the present receiving event in the Main Hall. After the gifts have been handed out and opened the recipients guessed who their Secret Santa was. Secret Santa became a fun and entertaining way to get in the Christmas spirit and get to know each other better.

AHS-New Year Event

26 Dec 2019

On December 25, Christmas Event was held at the American High School, where students, with theis Lecturers, were celebrating the end of the first semester. The evening was musically hosted by Georgian musician and singer Giorgi Tiginashvili. During the event students were nominated and rewarded with special certificates, also there were funny prizes lottery and at the end students exchanged secret Santa gifts.

Conference of the students from AHS

13 Dec 2019

With the supervision of Nana Mukeria, students of grade 10 of American High School prepared presentations on different themes. The participants were Sofia Shashkini and Temo Kvavilashvili, respectively analyzing “The Machine Stops”; Nita Bakradze and Tamuna Manjavidze with the analytical work about “1984” by George Orwell; Liza Kiria and Lizi Lekveishvili with their analysis on the book “Anthem”.

European School at National Tourism Awards - Welcome to Georgia!

09 Dec 2019

On December 6, the 5th Anniversary Gala Ceremony of the National Tourism Awards –Welcome to Georgia was held in Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metekhi Palace. The European School representatives attended the event. The schools had a special exhibition stand to present academic programs and promotional material to up to 800 visitors and share the ES achievements with them.

On December 6-7, European School participated in School Fair 2019, which was held at Expo Georgia

09 Dec 2019

The exhibition, the Second of its kind in Georgia, was designed to provide a single platform medium for the education sector in one dedicated space and create a venue where all participants in the industry could come together. The aim was to focus on potential customers and visitors who had the opportunity to participate and make an assessment of the presented educational institutions and their advantages, their programs, teaching methods, infrastructure, curriculum and technical support they provide.

12-th graders presentations

03 Dec 2019

American High School, 12-th graders presented their projects in English language. That Presentations were based on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”. The presentations were attended by the school board and staff.